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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 恋恋夏日荷 骄阳里的多味果冻(下)

恋恋夏日荷 骄阳里的多味果冻(下)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/07/03 12:53  空中美语




  During my summer vacation, I want to go to Sun Moon Lake for a holiday.1 It is a really beautiful place, although2 it was hit by a strong3 earthquake a few years ago.

  If I went there, I could walk around the lake, enjoying the fresh air and the wonderful things to see. Then I could try some of the lake's special food. One of the dishes4 is called President's Fish. I think that people who eat this fish will become president.



  earthquake n.地震

恋恋夏日荷 骄阳里的多味果冻(下)


  如果我真的去日月潭,我会去湖边散步,享受那里清新的空气和欣赏当地美好的景致。然后,我会品尝一些日月潭的特制菜肴,而其中的一道菜名为“总统鱼”,我想吃了这种鱼的人以后就会成为总统。                                        ──多拉

  Phrase of the Day

  A:I really enjoyed myself at your birthday party.


  B: Me too! It was nice to see all of my old friends again.


英语学习论坛】【评论】【 】【打印】【关闭

1. holiday

n. 假期,假日
I went on a holiday to China last year.

2. although

conj. 虽然
Although Jen is only sixteen years old, she can already speak four languages!

3. strong

adj. 强烈的
Marlene had a strong headache, so she went to a doctor.

4. dish

n. 菜肴
This restaurant makes my favorite dish: pork with orange juice.


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