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What's Happening in the Picture
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/07/03 15:10  厦门日报

  Cat: Please, don't shoot! I really don't knowswheresSadam is.

  American Soldier: You must knowswheresthe dollars are.



  Man: Would you like to say anything else before you die?

  Cat: Is there a mirror on your gun? I wonder whether I am looking very cute like this.


  猫:你的枪上有镜子吗?我得知道我这姿势是不是很优雅。By sunny

  Man:Get away! Don't get in my way, or I will shoot you!

  Cat:Fella, take it easy! The bullets are still in my hands, young man!



  By shaohui

  Man: Don't move!

  Cat: OK, OK, but first of all, can you set the mouse in your hand free? She is my girlfriend, and she just wanted to kiss me the moment you came in.

  Man: Oh, I am very sorry for disturbing you. I feel a little nervous, you know, it's my first day for this job.

  男人:不许动!猫:好的好的,可你能不能先放了你手上的那只老鼠,她是我的女朋友,你进来时她正准备要吻我呢。男人:哦,很抱歉打扰了你们。我太紧张了,你要知道这是我开始这份工作的第一天。By Shine

  The robber:Don't move! Tell meswheresis the coffer?

  The Cat:Hey, guys,be quiet!I came here just to find something to eat. Could you tell meswheresthe kitchen is?


  猫:嗨,老兄,小点声!我是来找东西吃的,你能告诉我厨房在哪儿吗?By ywwq

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