日前首相森喜朗惹恼妇女被要求道歉 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/07/08 10:30 北京青年报 |
TOKYO(Reuters) - Former Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori, renowned for his many public gaffes, faced demands for an apology Tuesday after implying that only women who bear children should be eligible for pen-sions. "I think it is really strange to be told to use tax money to take care of women who haven't even had one child," Mori told a discussion group. "The real purpose of a welfare system is to look after women who have a lot of children, as a means of thanking them," the Kyodo news agency quoted Mori as saying last week during a politicians' panel discus-sion in front of an audience. Opposition Socialist lawmakers submitted a letter to Mori's office de-manding an apology Tuesday. "This is equivalent to saying that women who do not or cannot bear children are of no use to society," Kyodo quoted lawmaker Keiko Yamauchi as saying. Mori's latest slip-up comes as Japan tries to raise its sagging birthrate; the rapid aging of the population is expected to cause difficulty in covering pension obligations. |
日前首相森喜朗惹恼妇女被要求道歉 |
东京:以常常在大众面前失言而著称的日本前首相森喜朗于本周二面临要他道歉的要求,那是在他发表了隐含着只有生养了孩子的妇女才能合法地得到退休金这番讲话之后。"我觉得使用纳税人的钱来照顾那些一个孩子都不生养的妇女真是很奇怪的事。"森喜朗告诉一个讨论小组,"福利体系的真正目的是照顾那些有很多孩子的妇女,这是答谢她们的方式。"共同社引用了森喜朗的话,他在上周的一个在听众面前召开的政治家小组讨论中如此说道。 本周二在野的社会党议员们交给森喜朗办公室一封信,要求他道歉,"这种说法相当于是说没生育或不能生育的妇女对社会是没有用的",共同社引用了议员内山惠子的话。森喜朗最近的失言是在日本力图提高全国低迷的出生率时说出的。日本人口的迅速老化预计将引起支撑养老金的困难。 |
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