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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Carp trapped in drying rivers

Carp trapped in drying rivers
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/07/09 10:48  Shanghai Daily

  Up to 100 tons of naked carp are being trapped in a drying river during their spawning migration in the northwest province of Qinghai. More than 17 tons of the fish have been saved, while some died of suffocation and most were still in danger in the Quanji River, a local fishery official said yesterday.

  Naked carp is a valuable, rare species living in Qinghai Lake, the country's largest saltwater body, at an elevation of 3,195 meters above sea level.

  The fish swim to freshwater rivers during the annual spawning season.

  This year, more than 85 percent of the rivers around Qinghai Lake dried up because of continuous drought, including the Buha, Shaliu, Quanji and Heima rivers.

  Apart from drought, increasing use of water for farming has aggravated aridity in some parts of Quanji River, where naked carp are vying to spawn in the upper reaches.

  Nearly 40 rescuers, including 25 officials from local fishery and forestry departments, have been working to transport the endangered fish to areas with adequate water, said Jia Dewei, director of the local fishery adminis-tration in Gangca County.

  It is very unfortunate to see close to 100 tons of carp lying in a drying river course, said Jia, calling for more urgent, prompt help.

  This is not the first time the carp experienced disaster.

  In June, some naked carp were blocked in the Shaliu River during their spawning migration to the upper reaches and luckily were rescued by ensuing days of rain.

  Between June and July 2001, more than 500 tons of naked carp died in dried-up Shaliu River, forming a 200-meter-long and 50-centimeter-thick layer.

  Naked carp are critical to the existence of local bird species.

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