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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 品味金瓜石的静懿之流金岁月(上)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/07/15 13:21  空中美语




  Chiufen, an old gold-mining town northeast of Taipei, is crammed with tourists on weekends. But Chinkuashi, an older mining town just two kilometers away, remains still and silent. It has no charming art galleries or giftshops. There are no warm teashops to welcome couples looking for a romantic place to chat. Perched on a cliff above the blue-green sea and surrounded by mountains, it looks and feels like a remote outpost. In Chinkuashi, more ghosts than people walk the streets.

  It wasn't always this way. In 1889, Patu Station, a small village near Chinkuashi, was a lively place. Hundreds of workers came that humid summer to build a railway bridge across the Keelung River; among them a Cantonese man who had panned for gold in California. While working in the shadow of the iron bridge, he tried his luck by dipping a pan into the river sand. When he saw bits of gold in his pan, he laughed out loud and danced around in the shallow water.

  More Information/仅供参考,不须强记

  1.mine v.采矿

  2.perch v.位于(高处或危险处)

  3.outpost n.前哨站

  4.station n.驻地;管理站(此处并非火车站之意)

  5.pan v.淘金(当时是用饭盒盖来当淘金盘)




英语学习论坛】【评论】【 】【打印】【关闭

1. be crammed with

v. phr. to be full of 挤满了……

2. still

adj. calm; showing no sign of activity 寂静的


n. a steep, high wall of rock 峭壁;悬崖

4. humid

adj. damp and hot (used to describe air, weather, etc.) 潮湿的

5. try one's luck

idiom to try sth. even though the chance of success is uncertain 碰碰运气

6. dip

v. to put sth. into sth. and then pull it out again 沾;浸泡


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