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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 德国一个企图在网上卖肾的人被判刑

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/07/21 10:13  北京青年报

  BERLIN (Reuters) - A man who tried to sell one of his kidneys on the internet was given a four-month suspended jail sentence and fined 2,000 euros (19,000 yuan), authorities said on Tuesday. A spokesman for the court in the western town of Kassel said the 48 year-old Austrian mechanic was accused of violating laws on illegal organ trading for offering his kidney as a "blood purification organ" on line at a starting price of 66,500 euros. He was hoping to use the proceeds to ease his girlfriend's financial worries, said court spokesman Theodor Weber. "Apparently the firm she worked for was in trouble and he wanted to help them out," he said.

  The man made a full confession in court and said he was pleased he still had both kidneys. "He said he was glad because he'd been having a problem with one of them for a while," said Weber.




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