Married guy in contradiction | 2003/07/25 14:36 新浪教育 |
Fig1. I have sympathy on those married guy in contradiction…. Fig2. Weight and yearning for pretty girl increases… Fig3. While attraction and personal freeness decreasing day by day. Fig4. Why weiwu often claims love for his wife in public in such tight shoes? 图一:Mimi:我很同情已婚男人那种复杂矛盾的心理。 图二:体重和对漂亮异性的向往与日俱增…. 图三:但吸引力和私生活的自由却在与日俱减…. 图四:这么痛苦,魏武怎么还总要当众声称自己非常爱老婆? |
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