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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 开口ABC > 寻找洗手间

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/07/31 14:02  开口ABC

  Nice day, huh? Follow me for fun on ABC Happy Express!


  First One: Where's the washroom?

  Restroom, ladies'/men's room, the john, toilet, lavatory, bathroom, are all synonyms that you can safely use.

  洗手间在哪?"restroom, ladies'/men's room, the john, toilet, lavatory, bathroom"都可以用来表示洗手间,你可以放心大胆地使用,没问题。

  Second One: I need to take a leak.

  This is a very casual way of telling someone that you need to urinate. You can use this sentence as a precursor to requesting help finding a restroom.


  Third One: Is it open to the public?

  If you are not allowed to enter an area, you may see a sign posted on the door: Not open to the public. Other sentences that mean the same things are, "Employees only" and "Authorized personnel only".


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