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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《英语学习》2003年7期 > 不变的誓言

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/08/04 16:32  《英语学习》

  1938年,一位名叫诺尔曼·白求恩(Norman Bethune)的加拿大医生,率领医疗队不远万里来到中国,加入到中国人民抗击侵略者的战斗中。1939年,他在抢救伤员的手术中不幸被感染,献出了宝贵的生命。毛主席为此写下了著名的《纪念白求恩》一文。白求恩高尚的医德和精湛的医术已成为白衣天使的楷模,一直鼓舞和激励着人们。



  In our highly geared, modern industrial society there is no such thing as private health—all health is public. The illness and maladjustments of one unit of the mass affects all other members.


  What is the duty of a doctor, of a nurse, of an orderly? There is only one duty. It is the duty to make your patients happy, to help them in their fight back to health and strength.


  Let us redefine medical ethics—not as a code of professional etiquette between doctors, but as a code of fundamental morality and justice between medicine and the people.


  There is an old saying in the English hospitals "a doctor must have the heart of a lion and the hand of a lady." That means he must be bold and courageous, strong, quick and decisive, yet gentle, kind and considerate.


  Fear is the great destroyer of happiness, and most fears are unjustifiable. It can be said that man lives by hope alone, never despair.


  I am tired, but I don't think I have been so happy for a long time. I am content. I am doing what I want to do. I have important work, which occupies every minute I have. I'm needed here.


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