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Unit 2 No smoking
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/08/06 15:13  新浪教育

  No smoking,please! 

  Passage 1阅读理解一

  People have smoked cigarettes for a long time now.The tobacco used to make cigarettes was grown in what is now part of the United States.Christopher Columbus, who discovered America, saw the Indians smoking.Soon the dried leaves were transported to Europe where smoking began to catch on.In the late 1800s, the Turkish made cigarettes popular.

  Cigarettes smoke contains at least two harmful substances, tar and nicotine.Tar, which forms as the tobacco burns, damages the lungs and therefore affects breathing.Nicotine, which is found in the leaves, causes the heart to beat faster and increases breathing rate.

  Smoking cigarettes is dangerous.The U、S、Public Health Service stated that cigarette smoking is the cause of lung cancer and several other deadly diseases.The U.S.government now requires that each package of cigarettes bear a special warning about the danger of smoking.


  1、tobacco n.烟草,烟叶,烟丝

  2、transport vt.运输,输送;搬运

  3、tar and nicotine焦油和尼古丁

  4、rate n.频率

  5、state vt.表明(叙述,确定)根据短文内容选择正确答案

  ()1The expression“catch on”in the passage may mean .

  A、startB、cost a lot

  C、become popularD、dangerous

  ()2Before Columbus discovered America,.

  A、Europeans had smoked

  B、nicotine was not in tobacco

  C、nobody smoked in the world

  D、Europeans had never smoked

  ()3In the nineteenth century,smoking became popular because of the people in.

  A、India B、Turkey

  C、the U.S.D、British

  ()4Breathing is affected by.

  A、tar B、nicotine

  C、heatD、both A and B

  ()5A good title for this selection is.

  A、The Discovery of America B、Smoking Cigarettes

  C、How to Smoke Cigarettes D、A Great Discovery

  Passage 2阅读理解二

  GENEVA——The number of women killed by cigarettes will double by the year 2020 with more than one million women each year dying of smoking related illness, the World Health Organization said on Wednesday.The new report by the UN health agency said in some countries the number of female smokers will likely outnumber men in the near future.It said about 20~35 percent of women in rich nations smoke, compared to 2~10 percent in the Third World.The organization described the report as the first international study on women and tobacco.It is to be presented at a conference in Bueros Aires, Argentina.


  1、agency n.经售;代办;代理;经办处,代理处,代办处;代销处;公司…

  2、likely adv.或许,可能,大概

  3、outnumber vt.数量上胜过,比……多

  4、present vt.赠送,给予;呈献根据短文内容选择正确答案

  ()1From the passage we know that the number of female smokers in the world .

  A. can't be counted

  B. has greatly increased

  C. has greatly decreased

  D. hasn't been mentioned at all

  ()2More than one million women will die of smoking related illness because .

  A. our earth is much more polluted

  B. they are in poor health

  C. more and more of them got into the habit of smoking

  D. their husbands are heavy smokers

  ()3The new report mentioned in this passage was mainly offered by .

  A. Geneva

  B. Argentina

  C. the UN health agency

  D. a health organization

  ()4Female smokers in the rich countries are .

  A. less than those in the poor countries

  B. equal to those in the developing countries

  C. much more than those in the developing countries

  D. much more than those in the developed countries

  Passage 3完形填空

  A true apology is more than just acknowledgement of a mistake.It's recognition that something you've said or 1 has damaged a relationship and that you 2 enough about that relationship to want it 3.

  It's never 4 to acknowledge you are in the wrong.Being human, we all need the art of apology.Look back and think how 5 you've judged roughly, said 6 things, pushed yourself 7 at the expense of a friend.Some deep thought in us knows that when 8 a small mistake has been made, your 9 will stay out of balance until the mistake is acknowledged and regret 10.

  I remember a doctor friend, 11 me about a man who came to him with 12 illnesses: headache, insomnia, stomachaches and so on.No physical 13 could be found.Finally the doctor said to the man,“14 you tell me what's on your conscience, I can't help you.”

  After a short silence the man told the doctor that he 15 all the money that his father gave to his brother, who was 16.His father had died, so only he himself knew the matter.The old doctor made the man write to his brother making an 17 and enclosing a 18.In the post office, the man dropped the letter into the mail box.As the letter disappeared, the man 19 into tears.“Thank you, doctor,”he said,“I think Im all right now.”And he 20.


  1、acknowledgement n.承认

  2、relationship n.关系,联系;亲戚关系,家属关系

  3、insomnia n.失眠症

  4、conscience n.良心

  5、enclose vt.装,封入,附寄通读短文选出一个最佳答案

  ()1A. done B、thought C、announced D、expected

  ()2A. lost B、care C、advise D、heard

  ()3A. built B、formed C、repaired D、damaged

  ()4A. difficult B、easy C、foolish D、shy

  ()5A. long B、often C、much D、soon

  ()6A. unusual B、harmful C、precious D、unkind

  ()7A. ahead B、away C、down D、off

  ()8A. still B、even C、only D、such

  ()9A. sense B、brain C、weight D、feeling

  ()10A. shown B、explained C、offered D、expressed

  ()11A. asking B、telling C、requiring D、setting

  ()12A. strange B、serious C、various D、much

  ()13A. signs B、reason C、cause D、marks

  ()14A. Whenever B、Unless C、Suppose D、Although

  ()15A. stole B、accepted C、seized D、wasted

  ()16A. mad B、lost C、abroad D、dead

  ()17A.sgroupsB、excuse C、agreement D、apology

  ()18A. note B、card C、check D、photo

  ()19A. put B、burst C、laughed D、cried

  ()20A. should B、did C、had D、was

  Passage 4判断正误

  The water we drink and use is running short in the world.We all have to learn how to stop wasting our limited water.One of the steps we should take is to find ways of reusing it.Experiments have already been done in this field.

  Today in most large cities fresh water is used only once, then it runs into waste system.But it is possible to pipe the used water to a purifying factory.There it can be filtered and treated with chemicals so that it can be used again as if it were fresh from a spring.

  But even if every large city purified and reused its water, we still would not have enough.Then we could turn to the oceans.All we'd have to do to make use of the seawater on earth is to get rid of the salt.This process is called desalination, and it is already in use in many parts of the world.


  1、system n.系统

  2、purifying n.精制,提纯,净化,精炼

  3、filter vt.过滤n.(香烟的)过滤嘴

  4、spring n.泉,泉眼

  5、desalination n.脱盐(作用),淡化根据文章内容判断正误

  ()1The way to stop wasting our limited water is to reuse used water by purifying it.

  ()2As we know,we are not really short of water at present.

  ()3There wouldn't be enough water for us if we didn't take steps to reuse all water on earth.

  ()4The process of getting rid of salt in seawater is easy and not expensive.

  ()5Most of the countries in the world are using purified seawater.

  参考答案Passage 1

  1、C短语“catch on”意思是“流行”。例:The new folk song caught on really quickly.这首新民歌流行得真快。





  Passage 2



  3、C报告是“the UN health agency”提交给“the World Health Organization”的。

  4、C根据“It said about 20~35 percent of women in rich nations smoke,compared to 2~10 percent in the Third World.”这句话,可以推测出答案。

  Passage 3


  2、Bcare about意为“对…关心”。




  6、Dunkind things意为“不友好的话”。precious意为“宝贵的,贵重的”。

  7、A句中at the expense of意为“以牺牲…为代价”。由此可知,pushed yourself ahead是“自己出风头”的意思。












  19、Bburst into tears为固定词组,意为“突然大哭起来”。

  20、D上文说“I think Im all right now.”,据此应为was,这样就和前一句保持一致。

  Passage 4

  1、T“One of the steps we should take is to find ways of reusing it.”说明:通过净化使用过的水然后重新使用是保护我们有限水资源的一种有效的办法。





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