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《GRE最常考词汇》TEST 10
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/08/08 15:53  新浪教育

  1、Unruly crowds often cannot be controlled by the police.


  2、He told the kids about the legend of the titanic giants.


  3、His attempt to save the drowning child was a sublime deed.


  4、Archaeologists unearth evidence of ancient peoples.


  5、The two theories diverged drastically from one another.


  6、The ruthless dictator attempted to stamp out all dissent.


  7、There are many diverse opinions on the subject of religion.


  8、An umpire must remain dispassionate and ignore the fans.


  9、It will take a strong detergent to get those clothes clean.


  10、She was too timorous to face a house full of strangers.


  11、The skeptic demanded to see the evidence for himself.


  12、This sporting event is being brought to you live via satellite.



《GRE最常考词汇》TEST 10

  1、unruly adj.难控制的;不守法的

  同intractable; ungovernable反amenable; docile

  2、titanic adj.巨大有力的

  3、sublime adj.崇高的 同exalted; lofty

  4、unearth v.发掘;掘出

  * archaeologist n.考古学家

  5、diverge v.分歧;差异

  * drastically adv.彻底地

  6、ruthless adj.无情的;残酷的

  * dictator n.独裁者dissent n.异议人士

  7、diverse adj.不同的;种种的

  8、dispassionate adj.冷静的;公平的

  同calm; impartial反emotional; prejudiced

  * umpire n.裁判

  9、detergent n.清洁剂

  10、timorous adj.胆小的;怯弱的

  11、skeptic n.怀疑者

  12、satellite n.卫星

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