Unit 7 Canada |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/08/11 14:15 新浪教育 |
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Canada Passage 1阅读理解一 During the early years of this century, wheat was seen as the very life blood of Western Canada. When the crops were good, the economy was good; when the crops failed, there was depression. People on city streets watched the yields and price of wheat with almost as much feeling as if they were growers. The marketing of wheat became an increasingly favorite topic of conversation. War set the stage for the most dramatic events in marketing the western crop. For years, farmers mistrusted speculative grain selling as carried on through the Winnipeg Grain Exchange. Wheat prices were generally low in the autumn, but farmers could not wait for markets to improve. It had happened too often that they sold their wheat soon after harvest when farm debts were coming due, only to see prices rising and speculators getting rich. On various occasions, producer groups asked for firmer controls, but governments had no wish to become involved, at least not until wartime wheat prices threatened to run wild. Anxious to check inflation and rising living costs, the federal government appointed a board of grain supervisors to handle deliveries from the crops of 1917 and 1918. Grain Exchange trading was suspended, and farmers sold at prices fixed by the board. To handle the crop of 1919, the government appointed the first Canadian Wheat Board, with full authority to buy, sell and set and set prices. 注释 1、depression n.沮丧,消沉 2、topic n. (演讲的)论题,题目;(提纲)标题;(节、段的)主题 3、dramatic adj.戏剧的;剧本的;演戏的 4、speculator n.投机者;(美)垄断收买(戏票)的人 5、occasion n.场合;(重大的)时刻(节) 6、appoint vt.委派,任命 7、supervisor n.监督者;主管人,管理人;监察人,(书的)审订者;美督学根据短文内容选择正确答案 ()1What is the main purpose of the passage? A、To explain how wheat is marketed today. B、To justify suspension of trading on the Grain Exchange. C、To describe the origins of the Canadian Wheat Board. D、To argue for further reforms on the Canadian Wheat Board. ()2According to the passage, most farmers debts had to be paid . A、when the autumn harvest had just been completed B、because markets started to improve C、as soon as the Winnipeg Grain Exchange demanded payment D、unless crop failure caused depression ()3According to the passage, wheat prices became unmanageable because of conditions caused by . A、farmers B、supervisors C、weather D、war ()4In Paragraph 3, the word“check”could best be replaced by which of the following? A、Control. B、Investigate. C、Finance. D、Reinforce. ()5According to the passage, a preliminary(初步的)step in the creation of the Canadian Wheat Board was the appointment of . A、the Winnipeg Grain Exchange B、a board of supervisors C、several producer groups D、a new govenment Passage 2阅读理解二 In the past,man did not have to think about the protection of his environment.There were few people on the earth,and natural resources seemed to be unlimited.Today things are different.The world has become too crowded.We are using up our natural resources too quickly,and at the same time we are polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals.If we continue to do this,human life on earth will not survive. Everyone realizes today that if too many fish are taken from the sea,there will soon be none left.Yet,with modern fishing methods,more and more fish are caught.We know that if too many trees are cut down,forests will disappear and nothing will grow on the land.Yet,we continue to cut down more and more trees.We realize that if rivers are polluted with waste from factories,we will die.However,in most countries waste is still put into the rivers or the seas and there are few laws to stop this.We know,too,that if the pollution of the world countries is rising at the present rate,in a few years,there will not be enough food.What can we do to solve these problems? If we eat more vegetables and less meat,there will be more food useful for everyone.Land that is used to grow crops feeds five times more people than land where animals are kept. Finally,if we educate people to think about the problems, we shall have a better and cleaner planet in the future. 注释 1、resource n. (常用复数)资源;物力;财力 2、method n.方法 3、at the present rate以目前的速度 4、solve vt.解释,解决;调停 5、planet n.行星根据短文内容选择正确答案 ()1Today we have to think about the protection of our environment because . A、things on our planet are getting worse and worse B、the limited natural resources are being used quickly C、the environment is continuing to be polluted by too much waste and poison D、worse and worse environment is endangering the lives of human beings ()2Which of the following statements is NOT true? A、If we eat more meat,more food can be saved. B、In the past there were few people who thought about the environment protection. C、If we keep on cutting down trees,forests will disappear. D、We should not take more and more fish out of the sea,or there will soon be no fish left. ()3Insgroupsto slow the increase of the world population,. A、we should encourage young people to marry later B、we should encourage the married to use modern methods of birth control C、we should let the people have more education D、all of the above ()4According to the passage,the most important thing we must understand is that . A、we should keep our environment from being polluted B、we must make enough laws to protect our natural resources C、man will destroy himself if he doesn't solve the problems D、we will have not enough food if the world population rises at the present rate Passage 3完形填空 It happened during the Second World War. A British 1, called the“Nova Scotia”, was 2 more than a thousand South 3 and Italian prisoners of war. It was a long way from Europe to South Africa. But a German submarine was 4 in the sea when the“Nova Scotia”appeared. The submarine 5 the“Nova Scotia”to the bottom of the sea. Many men were 6 at once. Many others were badly 7. But hundreds were alive. They were not greatly 8. The sea was calm and 9, and they were 10 a ship would find them in the morning. A ship did find them, but it 11 only 183 men. The sharks had taken the rest. Thirty years later, one of the living men said,“I was in a raft. There were men all 12 me in the water. They were 13 or holding onto pieces of wood. Suddenly I heard a 14. It came from a man who was a few hundred metres 15. He threw his arms in the air. Then he 16 in the water. He never came 17 again. That was only the beginning. The sharks had smelled the blood of the died and dying men. 18 seemed to be hundreds of them. Man after man gave a 19 shout and then disappeared. I even saw sharks attack men on the rafts. They 20 right out of the water.” 注释 1、submarine n.潜水艇 2、shark n.鲨鱼 3、raft n.筏,桴,木排 4、attack vt.攻击通读短文选出一个最佳答案 ()1A、schoolB、trainC、shipD、hospital ()2A、organizingB、trainingC、carryingD、gathering ()3A、studentsB、teachersC、patientsD、soldiers ()4A、passingB、blockingC、waitingD、attacking ()5A、ledB、sentC、tookD、brought ()6A、damagedB、killedC、savedD、afraid ()7A、hurtB、damagedC、heatD、knocked ()8A、sufferedB、hurriedC、worriedD、uncomfortable ()9A、silentB、deepC、warmD、cold ()10A、expectingB、talkingC、thinkingD、searching ()11A、foundB、savedC、helpedD、held ()12A、comfortedB、enviedC、roundD、below ()13A、fightingB、escapingC、sinkingD、swimming ()14A、shoutB、explosionC、noiseD、laughter ()15A、distanceB、farC、offD、away ()16A、disappearedB、drownedC、fellD、dived ()17A、overB、backC、onD、up ()18A、HereB、ThereC、ThenD、It ()19A、loudB、dullC、terribleD、short ()20A、floatedB、jumpedC、swamD、flew Passage 4判断正误 A nurse and her elderly uncle were waiting for a bus at a corner in downtown Chicago.Buses came by,not the one they wanted.The woman finally halfentered one of the buses and asked the driver if the bus she wanted stopped at that corner. The driver looked at her but made no answer,so she repeated the question.To her surprise,he then closed the door,on her arm,and drove off. The woman,her arm stuck in the door,ran alongside the bus,shouting.Passengers said the driver stopped after almost a block only because they,too,were shouting. When the driver finally did stop and open the door,the woman jumped on the bus to get his bus number.Then he took off again and went another couple of blocks before other shouting passengers persuaded him to stop and let the woman off. After the driver's boss at a taxsupport government company(CTA) heard of the incident, they looked into it and set his punishment: a fiveday suspension without pay.That struck means rather light. But Bill Baxa,the company's publicrelation man,said,“That's a pretty serious punishment.” Five days off work is a serious punishment for dragging a woman alongside a bus by her arm? Baxa said,“Any time you take money away from someone,it is a terrible punishment.The driver made 14 an hour.Multiply that by forty and you can see what he lost.” Yes,that comes to 560,a good sum.But we know that people in the private companies are fired for far less mistakes every day.If the people who run the bus company think that the loss of a week's pay is more than enough,I offer them a suggestion: give me a bus.Then have their wives stick their arms in the doorway of the bus,and I'll shut the door,start the bus quickly and take them for a fast oneblock run. And I'll pay 560 to anyone who is brave enough to try it. Any takers? Mr.Baxa? Anyone? I didn't think so. 注释 1、downtown n.& adj.(市中)商业区(的),闹区(的) 2、stick vt.阻塞,嵌住,卡住,陷在……里 3、incident n.(政治性)事故;事变 4、suspension n.中止,暂停,停职;停学 5、drag vt.(dragged; dragging)拖,拉根据文章内容判断正误 ()1From the passage we know the nurse halfentered one of the buses because she wanted the driver to stop the bus. ()2The nurse halfentered one of the buses because she wanted to get some information from the driver. ()3After looking at the woman,the driver didn't answer her,so the woman asked him again. ()4According to the passage we know that the with or offered a suggestion because he thought the punishment was a light one. 参考答案Passage 1 1、C从第一段得知:小麦对于加拿大人来说是很重要。以后几段又接着提到长期以来小麦交易中存在着农民被迫以低廉的价格出售,而投机者则大发横财的问题。小麦生产者多次要求严格对此加以控制,因而后来成立了加拿大小麦委员会。 2、A依据文章第二段第四句“It had happened too often that they sold their wheat soon after harvest when farm debts were coming due”可以选项。 3、D依据文章第二段第一句内容,由于战争原因造成了小麦价格失控。 4、Acontrol意为“控制”,check在文中意为“控制”,故选A。其他三个单词意思分别为:investigate“调查”,finance“为提供资金”,reinforce“增强”。 5、B依据第三段可知,联帮政府为控制通货膨胀以及生活消费的上涨,任命a board of supervisors来处理1917和1918年小麦生产交易中出现的问题。 Passage 2 1、D阅读文章后,文章第一段后两句内容是正确答案。 2、A依据文章倒数第二段第一句内容来确定答案。“如果多吃肉就会省出更多的粮食”与文章意思不符。 3、D通读全文后,便知答案D为正确选项,因为“提倡晚婚计划生育”是我国的国策。另外,文章最后一段“...if we educate people to think about...in the future”。所以,A、B、C三项都是正确的。 4、C依据第二段内容,从第一句到“we realize that...we will die.”第二段后面内容还是谈污染问题,总之,从文章内容来看,人类将destroy himself。 Passage 3 1、C通过阅读下文可得出正确选项。 2、Ccarry是及物动词,意为“载着,运着,载运”,其他三项不合题意。 3、D根据文章上下文意思,该船运载的是soldiers。 4、Cwait意为“等待”,根据文章上下文意思选waiting符合题意。 5、Bsend...to意为“把……送到”。此句意思是潜水艇把“Nova Scotia”击沉了。 6、B由于船沉了,所以肯定很多士兵丢掉了性命。 7、Ahurt意为“受伤,伤害”,指肉体和心灵的伤害。 8、C根据上下文可推断出士兵们不十分为他们的安全而担心。 9、C此题的关键词是calm,本句意思为“海面风平浪静”。 10、Aexpect意为“期盼,盼望”,这些士兵期盼有船来救他们。 11、B只有183名士兵获救,其余的人都被鲨鱼吃掉了。 12、Cround意为“围绕”。本句意思是:“我在木筏上,我(木筏)的周围都是人。” 13、D根据文章意思,swimming符合题意。 14、Ashout意为“呼喊,叫喊”,从下文“from a man”来判断,应该指的是人的喊声。 15、Daway用在表示距离的名词后面,意为“有多远”。 16、A这个发出喊声的士兵不一会儿就在水中消失了。 17、Dcome up意为“漂上来”。 18、BThere seems to be是常见句型,意为“好象有……”。 19、C士兵们一个接一个地发出可怕的呼喊声之后就消失在水中。 20、B鲨鱼跳出水面袭击木筏上的士兵。Passage 4 1、F从文章里我们知道,那个护士不是想让车停下来,而是想问汽车司机是否能在那个拐角处停一会儿。 2、T护士想从汽车司机那里得到汽车是否会停的信息。 3、T读完文章后,我们可知司机没有回答护士的问题。 4、T阅读文章第五至第七自然段,你可找到判断的依据。 |
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