It's more difficult to be sick | 2003/08/13 10:02 北京青年报 |
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But today, although sunny, is not that day. Andy concentrates on each and every step. His feet, ankles and knees throb. Shoulders shudder under the 25-kilo weight of the rucksack. The nylon straps burn red lines across his collarbone. Occasionally he closes his eyes...just for a drift into a he trudges down the straight and easy road to the county town of Malong in Yunnan. But an angry stomach intervenes. Bile regurgitates back up to the throat -- Andy finds he is literally "swallowing bitterness". Andy's decision to quit the march had been made five days earlier. Bedridden in a Kunming hospital for the better part of a month with a variety of undiagnosed gastric illnesses, he could find no one who knew why there had been no improvement. Doctors advised him to return to Beijing for rest and recuperation, for more tests and attempts at diagnosis. Andy refused. In the full-length bathroom mirror of the three-star Baiyun Hotel on Wednesday June 11, Andy faced the most difficult decision of his march, one of the most difficult of his life. He noted his new svelte figure -- about 6 kilos lighter. He noted he had been to the toilet five times that morning. He noted how he was struggling to stand up straight. There was no more time left. He must quit. But maybe, just maybe, if he waited just one more day... Next door, Ed faced different demons. The weather window was closing on crossing the Great Snowy Mountains. He worked on a new timetable, new safety protocols and fitting a satellite phone and tent into his bulging rucksack. He noted Andy had used up the entire roll of emergency toilet paper, plus an important SARS editorial from the People'sDaily. Ed prepared to walk unaccompanied across the Snowy Mountains and the grasslands of western Sichuan, terrain where the Red Army suffered its most chilling losses. He reckoned he had better get going fast, by Sunday at the latest, or risk losing any chance of completing what was left of the New Long March. The next morning, something very unexpected happened when Andy went to the toilet -- an improvement. Not since Clapham Common in 1987 had a trip to the WC created such a stir. Still pulling up his trousers, Andy burst out of the bathroom to break the news of his exciting bowel movement to his comrade. Ed seemed nonplussed till Andy explained: "This means I'm staying the course." Maybe it was all just a flash in the pan, so to speak. "Or maybe," said Andy, "we march again on Sunday." That was three days ago when all seemed well and dandy with the world. Today Andy wobbles down the main street of Malong, searching to remember how to walk. A few paces behind, Ed walks ready to catch him. Andy stumbles, but does not fall. The first foreign visitor to Malong for many a year does not stride out of a tax-free Pajero. Instead, a half-man half-jellyfish slithers into the town saloon like he just crossed the Badlands. And back. After registering, Ed carries both backpacks upstairs to their room. There he finds his partner snoring with his boots on. Andy awoke the next morning in a pool of his own dribble, but ready to walk another day. Since then, he has completed a further 16 days of the march, 340 kilometers. The recovery remains patchy at best, but the determination of both New Long Marchers is undimmed for now. For more information on their progress to the Luding Bridge press conference, see |
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两个老外重走长征路的第九封电邮 |
两个英国人,马普安(Andrew McEwen)与李爱德(Ed Jocelyn)于去年10月16日开始重走当年长征的路线。本文是他们发给本报的第九封电邮。 有一种下意识的状态,可以使行军变得更可以忍受,此时大脑中的意识与行走脱节了,人开始感觉似乎只是在阳光灿烂的下午不加思索地开着车前行。 可是今天,虽然阳光灿烂,但却不是那样的一天。 马普安把精力集中在迈出的每一步上,他的脚、踝和膝盖都在发颤,肩膀在25公斤的背包下发抖,尼龙背带在锁骨上磨出了红红的印,就像烙上的一样。 偶尔,他闭上双眼……只有一秒钟……沉浸在白日梦中……此时他正跋涉在通往云南马龙县县城的路上,这条路很直也很好走。但胃又开始翻江倒海,胆汁返到了嗓子眼——马普安觉得自己真是“有苦水往肚子里咽”。 马普安想退出长征的决定是早在5天前作出的,他在昆明一家医院里卧床不起,度过了大半个月。他患有好多种难以确诊的胃病,可找不到一个人能知道为什么病不见好转,医生建议他回北京休养,为确诊做进一步的检查。马普安拒绝了。 6月11日星期三,在三星级的白云宾馆,面对卫生间里的穿衣镜,马普安面临着长征以来最困难的抉择——也是他有生以来最困难的抉择。他注意到了自己新的“苗条”形象——轻了大约6公斤;他注意到那天早上自己已经上了五次厕所;他注意到自己想要站直是多么艰难。 没有更多的时间来考虑了,他必须退出长征。但是也许,只是也许,如果他再等上一天…… 隔壁,李爱德面对的是不同的麻烦。跨越大雪山的适宜天气就要过去了,他正在制定一个新的时间表、新的安全草案,并把卫星手机与帐蓬装进鼓鼓囊囊的背包。他注意到了马普安已经用光了一整卷救急用的卫生纸,外加《人民日报》一篇关于SARS的重要社论。 李爱德准备只身一人过雪山草地,那是当年红军遭受损失最严重的地段,他估算着,最好早点动身,最晚星期天也得走了,否则就要冒无法完成余下的新长征路程的危险。 第二天早晨,当马普安去上厕所时,意想不到的事情发生了——病情好转了。自从1987年他在伦敦克拉彭广场有过一次激动的WC经历以来,就一直没有像今天这样惊喜过,他提着裤子,冲出卫生间,立刻向他的同志发布了这令人激动的肠道运动的消息。李爱德开始似乎摸不着头脑,直到马普安开始解释:“这就意味着我可以撑下去。”也许,这一好转只不过是昙花一现,可以这么说吧,“但也许,”马普安说道,“我们在星期天又可以上路了。” 那是三天以前,一切似乎都没问题了。今天,马普安在马龙的大街上摇摇晃晃地走着,努力想记起该怎么走路,李爱德在他身后几步跟着,准备随时扶住他。马普安蹒跚着,但没有倒下。 马龙县多年来的第一个外国人并不是从免税的帕杰罗车上走下来,而是半人半海蜇般地软绵绵地滑进了一家酒馆,好像刚刚走过美国北部的嶙峋山地,回到这里。 在旅店登记之后,李爱德把两个背包拎上了楼上的房间,在那儿,他发现自己的伙伴靴子没脱就已经打上鼾了。 第二天早上,马普安在自己的一汪口水中醒来,但是已经有了精神准备再走一天。自那以后,他又整整走了16天,行程340公里。身体的恢复往最好里说也是不彻底的,但两个新长征者的决心却是极为清晰的。有关他们在泸定桥召开新闻发布会的消息请登录网站。 |
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