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《GRE最常考词汇》TEST 13
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/08/20 10:45  新浪教育

  1The tedium of their work was interrupted by an argument between two junior managers.

  (A)计划 (B) 和谐 (C)单调 (D)步调

  2It generated much excitement and frenetic activity.

  (A)高难度的 (B)受欢迎的 (C)危险的 (D)狂乱的

  3His severe upbringing had made him too inhibited to laugh freely.

  (A)胆小的 (B)保守的 (C)拘谨的 (D)害羞的

  4Visitors brought flowers to condole with the patient.

  (A)聊天 (B)慰问 (C)拜访 (D)照顾

  5Much was written about the temporal reign of King Arthur.

  (A)长期的 (B)短暂的 (C)帝王的 (D)骑士的

  6She was so engrossed in the novel that she completely forgot about the time.

  (A)全神贯注的 (B)心不在焉的 (C)自信自满的 (D)细致周密的

  7He ignored the precepts of the church and lived just as he pleased.

  (A)观念 (B)存在 (C)神圣 (D)教训

  8They managed to reach an equitable settlement.

  (A)公平的 (B)光荣的 (C)公开的 (D)有益的

  9He loves to enjoy the inherent beauty of the Alps.

  (A)幽静的 (B)粗犷的 (C)原有的 (D)酷寒的

  10The wizardry of the famous magician can now be seen on television.

  (A)表演 (B)魔术 (C)真面目 (D)特技

  11He tried to find a vantage point from which to operate.

  (A)优势 (B)弱势 (C)时机 (D)破绽

  12His witty comments won him a lot of prestige.

  (A)财富 (B)支持 (C)声望 (D)嫉妒

  1 (C)2 (D)3 (C)4 (B)5 (B)6(A)7 (D)8(A)9 (C)10 (B)11(A)12 (C)

《GRE最常考词汇》TEST 13

  1tedium n.单调;烦闷 同boredom; weariness

  2frenetic adj.狂乱的 同frenzied; frantic

  3inhibited adj.拘谨的 反outgoing

   * upbringing n.教养

  4condole v.慰问;同情

  5temporal adj.暂时的;短暂的 反permanent

  6engross v.使全神贯注 同absorb; engage

  7precept n.箴言;教训 同maxim

  8equitable adj.公平的;公正的

  9inherent adj.与生俱来的;固有的

   同innate; inborn; intrinsic extrinsic

  10wizardry n.魔术;巫术

  11vantage n.优势;利益

   * vantage point有利位置

  12prestige n.声望;威望 同reputation

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