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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 创造独具一格的用餐方式:美味寿司

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/08/21 13:35  空中美语



  Fish fermented with vinegar rice became popular in Japan, but a creative nineteenth century Tokyo chef named Yohei had bigger fish to fry. Yohei dropped fermentation altogether and began serving sashimi—raw fish—with balls of vinegar rice.

  Yohei's sashimi was an instant hit, and soon other chefs began improving on his idea. They enhanced their seafood with fresh ginger, raw vegetables, and wasabi, and came up with creative new forms of presentation. One interesting development was the sushi conveyor belt, which was first introduced to customers in Osaka sushi bars of the 1950s.

  Nowadays, sushi bars are everywhere. But enjoying this ancient dish is easier if you follow a few basic guidelines. First, dip sushi fish-side down into the dish of soy sauce insgroupsto avoid soaking the rice. Also, remember that too much wasabi will mask the delicate flavors of the fish. And, most importantly, don’t fill up on just one kind of sushi, because there are plenty of other fish in the sea!





英语学习论坛】【评论】【 】【打印】【关闭

1. altogether

adv. 完全地

2. serve

v. 提供;上(菜)

3. raw

adj. 生的;未煮过的

4. improve on

v. phr. 改进;提高

5. presentation

n. 呈现;展现

6. guideline

n. 准则;指导方针


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