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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 一个来之不易的经验:成功来自冒险

Success out of Risk
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/09/01 10:07  厦门日报


  There is a rich man who likes mountaineering. One day, he came to a lonely place and there is a high mountain surround cloud there. He tried to mountain it up. Then he found a very nice environment. It likes heaven!He was very happy. After coming back home, he decided to take a risk to invest a lot of money on the construction of the mountain. Two years later, the mountain became nicer than before. Thousands of people came to visit. He established a tourism company. Up to now his business has expanded from having one office to having twelve. He acquires an experience which risk is half done of success. (By张文颖)


  There was a rich man who liked mountaineering. One day, he went to a remote mountain whose peak was surrounded in clouds. He managed to climb to the top,where he found a very nice environment. It looked like heaven!He was very happy. After coming back home, he decided to take a risk by investing a lot of money in the construction of the mountain area. Two years later, the mountain became nicer than before. Thousands of people came to visit it. He established a tourist company. Up to now,his business expanded from one office to twelve. From this experience, he acquired the knowledge that success doesn't come without risk.

有个富人喜欢登山。一天,他来到了一个偏僻的地方,那儿有座云雾缭绕的高山。 他费尽千辛万苦,终于登上了山顶,发现这里的环境非常优美,简直像座天堂!他很高兴。回家后,他决定投资开发这座山。两年后,这座山比以前更美了。成千上万的人蜂拥而来。他开了一家旅游公司。现在,公司由一间变成了十二间。他学到了一个经验,那就是成功源自冒险。

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