City Battles Lovers' Padlocks | 2003/09/02 10:57 金羊网-新快报 |
The Hungarian city of Pecs is fighting a losing battle against padlocks which lovers are secretly clamping on statues and gates all over the city center as symbols of their enduring affection. The curious tradition dates back to the early 1980s when lovers began fixing single padlocks, without any markings, on a wrought iron fence in the heart of Pecs, which has a magnificent cathedral and ancient Christian tombs. With no room now left on the fence, couples, both locals and tourists, are fastening their love tokens on anything that will hold a padlock, including statues. The city management firm first tried removing the padlocks, then launched a campaign to discourage the practice, and now, in a final act of desperation, plans to erect an new iron fence exclusively for love padlocks, news agency MTI reported. But the fence is not likely to work. "This would kill the essence of the padlocking habit, its spontaneity and people's feeling that they are secretly leaving their mark," said art historian Ferenc Romvary. |
匈牙利警察和情侣之间的爱情锁之战 |
匈牙利城市佩奇目前正在打一场无望取胜之仗,对手竟然是爱侣们秘密固定在市中心的雕像和大门之上、用以像征其爱情永恒的挂锁。 这一令人好奇的传统最早可以回溯至上个世纪八十年代。从那个时候起,该市的情侣们开始把没做任何标记的独身挂锁锁在佩奇市中心的一个铁篱笆上。这个铁篱笆中间矗立着一座庄严的大教堂,并且还有一些古老的基督徒的坟茔。 目前,由于篱笆上已经没有空间再供人们固定挂锁。于是,无论当地人还是来自外地的游人开始把他/她们的爱情信物往任何能够挂锁的地方(包括雕像等)固定。 据MTI新闻通讯社报道,佩奇市政管理委员会起初曾经企图把已有的挂锁移走,然后又发起了一场旨在打击这种以锁来证明爱情永恒的做法,但均未能取得成功。目前,该委员会又使出了绝望的一招,即计划再为爱侣们专门修建一个崭新的篱笆,让他们往上面固定各自的爱情信物。 但是,修建这样的一道篱笆的计划不大可能取得成功。艺术历史学家法拉恩克-罗姆瓦利表示,“该计划将使这种以固定挂锁来表明爱情永恒的传统失去其本质意义及自发性。它还将使人们的感情受到伤害,因为他们是秘密在原来的那些地方留下自己的爱情信物的。” |
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