Swimmer Sets Bog Snorkelling Record |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/09/09 11:45 金羊网-新快报 |
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International swimmer Philip John has retained his title at the World Bog Snorkelling Championships. The 16-year-old, who competed at the National Youth Swimming Championships in Sheffield earlier this month, also shaved four seconds off the bog snorkelling world record. He donned his snorkel and flippers to complete the course in one minute 35 seconds at the event in the UK's smallest town - Llanwrtyd Wells in mid-Wales. The teenager was one of almost 100 competitors taking part in the watersport. Entrants have to complete two lengths of the course, a 60 yard by 4ft peat bog. Philip, of Bridgend, south Wales, first took part in the competition last year after his uncle Steve Madeline - a previous champion - encouraged him to give it a go. The youngster said: "It is really good fun. I don't really train for it. Being an international swimmer helps, although you can see through the water in a swimming pool, it is a bit warmer and you aren't as smelly when you come out." The rules of the competition were toughened up this year, with a time limit introduced. A spokeswoman for sponsors Ben & Jerry's, said: "Competitors have only one minute 30 seconds to reach the first turn before they are hauled out and sent for an early hose down." The event drew competitors from the UK, USA, Australia and Germany. The bizarre championships started in 1986 as pub regulars were thinking up ideas for a charity fundraising initiative. This year, all funds raised from the championships will be donated to the mid Wales division of the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. The Ben & Jerry's spokeswoman said: "It has gone really well and we have raised a lot of money for the trust. The weather has been good so people have been wallowing in the mud to keep cool." As well as a trophy, Philip wins a year's supply of ice cream for his success.
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英国谢菲尔德:泥浆游泳的新纪录 |
近日,在英国谢菲尔德举行的国际青年游泳锦标赛上,16岁英国泳手菲利普-约翰打破了泥浆泳纪录,在1分35秒内完成了比赛,比由他自己保持的旧纪录快了4秒。 比赛的场地设在英国最小的小镇--威尔士中部的莱威特。近100名参赛者参加了比赛,他们穿着潜水用的通气管和鳍状肢,跳进了60码长4英尺宽的泥浆池来回游了一次。 菲利普来自威尔士南部的布雷根特,去年在他叔叔的鼓励下第一次参加泥浆泳比赛。菲利普的叔叔是前任的泥浆泳冠军。 菲利普说:“泥浆泳非常有趣,我还没有受过真正的训练,但参加国际性的比赛对我的帮助很大。在泥浆里游泳并不象在普通的游泳池里游泳,泥浆泳更温暖,而且游的时候看不清楚,上水的时候身上的味道还不好闻。” 泥浆泳的比赛规则今年更加严格,加入了时间的限制。赞助商本和杰里的发言人称:“比赛开始后,参赛者必须在1分30秒内到达池边,再折返完成比赛。” 这次比赛吸引了英国、美国、澳大利亚和德国的选手参加。这种奇特的比赛始于1986年,一些酒吧的常客想出举行这种比赛的点子以筹集慈善基金。今年锦标赛筹得的资金将会捐献给治疗囊肿性纤维化(一种遗传性胰腺病)的基金。 本和杰里的发言人称:“情况大好,我们已经筹了不少钱。天气太热了,人们得在泥浆里不停地打滚使身体凉快。”作为奖品,菲利普赢得了一年的免费冰淇淋。(阿曼) |
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