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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > China focus of The Forbes forum

China focus of The Forbes forum
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/09/15 12:19  Shanghai Daily

  More than 300 regional and global chief executives will begin arriving in Shanghai today for the 2003 Forbes Global CEO Conference, which is the city's most prominent gathering of business leaders this year.

  The three-day conference, organized by Forbes Inc and supported by the Shanghai government, will kick off tomorrow evening in the city.

  A Forbes-balloon launch-ing ceremony tomorrow afternoon will mark the opening of the forum, while Shanghai Mayor Han Zheng, Steve Forbes, chief executive and editor-in-chief of Forbes magazine, and Caspar Weinberger, the company's chairman, will host a grand-opening conference in the evening.

  Organizers have invited prominent business leaders from home and abroad, who are expected to provide their insights and perspectives about the theme of the con-ference: "Energizing Global Business: The China Factor."

  According to the organizer's latest confirmed schedule, speakers will include Noble-prize winner Joseph Stiglitz, professor of economics at Columbia University, who will discuss global economic trends with David Eldon, chairman of HSBC Asia Pacific. Zhang Ruimin, chief executive of Haier Group, will compare notes with former United States Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky on China's manufacturing sector and its exports.

  Helmut Panke, chairman of BMW's board of management, will talk about how to promote products and services to Chinese consumers with Vincent Lo, chairman of Hong Kong developer Shui On Holdings Ltd and J.T. Wang, president of Taiwan's Acer Group, the island's largest computer company.

  Hui Wing Mau, chairman of Shimao Group, and Zhang Yue, president and chief executive of Broad Air Conditioning, are also invited as representatives of China's rising entrepreneurs and will speak about their understanding of the future of private businesses in the country.

  The event has sent the occupancy rates at the Grand Hyatt Shanghai and Shangri-La Pudong, two major venues for the forum, through the roof.

  Dexter Chia, director of marketing for Pudong Shangri-la, said there will be very little room available next week, adding that the second half of this year has already turned out to be a boom period for business hotels.

  "The peak season for busi-ness travelers used to arrive in September or October, but this year we began to be very busy in August," Chia said.

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