Qureia to ReplacePrime Minister Abbas |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/09/15 16:51 人民网 |
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Palestinian parliament speaker Ahmed Qureia has agreed in principle to take over as prime minister, sources close to him said Monday, following the res-ignation of Mahmoud Abbas. Qureia has long been the No.3 leader in Fatah, after Arafat and Abbas. Seen as a moderate and a pragmatist, he was a key player in thesecret talks that led to the 1993 Oslo accords, which led to Palestinian autonomy in the West Bank and Gaza. He also led the Palestinians in negotiations with Israel in the following years. The 65-year-old politician is considered one of the few Pales-tinians who have credibility with Israel but also count on the important support of Arafat. |
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库赖接替阿巴斯担任巴勒斯坦总理 |
在阿巴斯辞职后,据接近巴勒斯坦立法委员会主席艾哈迈德-库赖的消息人士说,他原则上已经同意接任总理职务。 库赖长期以来一直是法塔赫的三号人物,位于阿拉法特和阿巴斯之后。他被看作是温和的务实派,曾在促成1993年《奥斯陆协议》的秘密谈判中扮演重要角色。 该协议使巴勒斯坦在西岸和加沙地区获得自治权。在此后多年中,库赖也一直主持巴勒斯坦同以色列的谈判。 这位现年65岁的政治家被认为是以色列可以信赖的为数不多的巴勒斯坦人士之一,但他也依靠阿拉法特对他的大力支持。(摘自9月8日美联社) |
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