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Blind Photographer Plans To Snap Street Fights
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/09/23 10:27  金羊网-新快报

  A photographer is planning to take pictures of street brawls in Lithuania - even though he is blind.

  Remigijus Audiejaitis has been a photographer for four years despite being blind since birth. He said: "I take my automatic camera out when I hear something interesting happening around me. "I picture rich sounds and my friends develop the film and sort the best images."

  Audiejaitis, who is studying Japanese at Vilnius University, has staged several exhibitions in the city. Those images focus on the daily life of Vilnius. But the Lithuanian hopes to break the boundaries of sound and image, photographing street brawls. "That must be very noisy and vivid, changing every second. It would be easy to get a nice shot. "Dangerous, but extremely interesting. "Every corner here has different acoustics. I never get lost here."





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