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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 魔法英语--同步阅读 > Unit 13:Come to the party!

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/09/24 20:59  新浪教育


 Unit 13


 Come to the party!


Passage 1


  It was Marys birthday. She received a letter from her uncle. "Dear Mary," he wrote in the letter. "Happy birthday. Im sending you some chickens. They will arrive tomorrow. I hope youll like them. Uncle Toby."

  Mary was very pleased. She liked eating eggs and chicken. "I can keep the chickens for their eggs or eat them," she thought.

  When the chickens arrived the next day, they were put in a box. Mary was very happy. She took the box off the truck and began to carry it into her garden, but the box of chickens was so heavy that she dropped it.

  The box fell on the ground and broke. The chickens all ran out. They ran here and there. Mary spent hours in trying to find them.

  A few days later her uncle came. He asked, "Did the chickens arrive safely?" "Yes, but I dropped the box. It broke open and the chickens ran everywhere. It took me the whole morning to look for them," Mary said.

  "Did you find them all?" asked her uncle. "I hope so." Mary answered. "But I only caught eleven of them."

  "Thats very interesting. I only sent you six." her uncle said with a smile.根据短文内容选择正确答案

  ( )1 Mary received a letter from her_____ .

  A. aunt B. uncle C. grandfather D. friend

  ( )2 When she received her present. Mary was_____ .

  A. happy B. sad C. worried D. unhappy

  ( )3 Why did Mary drop the box? Because _____.

  A. She didnt like the present.

  B. The box was too heavy.

  C. She wanted to break the box.

  D. She couldnt wait to look at her present.

  ( )4 It took her _____ to find the chickens.

  A. an hour B. two hours

  C. three hours D. the whole morning

  ( )5 Did Mary know how many chickens her uncle sent her?

  A. Yes, she did. B. Yes, she didnt.

  C. No, she did. D. No, she didnt.


Passage 2


  It was Jimmys birthday, and he was five years old. He got a lot of nice birthday presents from his family, and one of them was a beautiful drum.

  "Who gave him that thing?" Jimmys father said when he saw it. "His grandfather did," answered Jimmys mother.

  "Oh," said his father. Of course Jimmy liked his drum very much. He made a terrible noise with it, but his father didnt mind. He was working during the day and Jimmy was already in bed when he got home in the evening, so he couldnt hear the noise.

  But one of the neighbours didnt like the noise at all, so a few days later, she took a sharp knife and went to Jimmys house while he was hitting his drum. She said to him, "Hello, Jimmy, do you know, there is something very nice inside your drum? Here is a knife. Open the drum and lets find it."


  1. drum n.鼓

  2. terrible adj.可怕的

  3. noise n.响声

  4. neighbour n.邻居

  5. sharp adj.锋利的

  6. mind v.介意


  ( )1 Jimmy was _____.

  A. fiveyearsold B. five years old

  C. more than five years old D. less than five years old

  ( )2 Jimmys grandfather gave him a drum, because _____

  A. Jimmy liked the drum very much.

  B. the drum was very beautiful.

  C. it was Jimmys birthday present.

  D. he loved Jimmy very much.

  ( )3 Why did Jimmys father not stop him from making noise with the drum? Because_____ .

  A. Jimmy was in bed

  B. Jimmy only played in the evening

  C. he didnt mind

  D. he liked Jimmy very much

  ( )4 Which sentence is right?

  A. One of the neighbours liked Jimmy very much.

  B. One of the neighbours enjoyed listening to the sound of the drum.

  C. One of the neighbours wanted to show Jimmy a sharp knife.

  D. One of the neighbours didnt like the noise at all.

  ( )5 What did Jimmys neighbour really want to do? To _____.

  A. stop him making noises.

  B. make a noise on his drum with a knife

  C. show him how to hit the drum

  D. find something nice in his drum


Passage 3


  Two women were quarrelling on the train. One wanted to open the window, __1___ wanted to Close it. Then the conductor came to them.

  One woman said to the conductor, "If this window is open, I will __2___ a cold. And perhaps I will die of cold."

  The other man said, "But if the window is __3___, Ill feel hard to breath and I may die."

  The conductor didnt know __4___ to do.

  One man said, "Ive been listening to them __5___ the time. I dont think __6___ of us can help them. Its ___7__ to leave them alone."

  Then the man sat ___8__ to them had an idea.

  "___9__, open the window and that will make one die, "he said," next __10___ it and that will make the other die, then well have peace."


  1. quarrel v.吵架

  2. leave...alone别管他们

  3. peace n.安宁


  ( )1 A. other B. the other C. another D. one

  ( )2 A. catch B. had C. caught D. get

  ( )3 A. open B. close C. closed D. leave

  ( )4 A. which B. who C. how D. what

  ( )5 A. all B. along C. whole D. around

  ( )6 A. some B. one C. any D. none

  ( )7 A. good B. better C. best D. well

  ( )8 A. beside B. next C. by D. behind

  ( )9 A. At first B. One C. The first D. First

  ( )10 A. leave B. open C. taken D. close


Passage 4


  Once an American was in Africa and wanted to go to a small village in the hills. He got on a bus and the driver said, "The yellow ticket is one dollar(美元). I have two other tickets. The red one is fifty cents, and the green ten cents." "A green one, please," said the man.

  Now the bus is going up a hill. Suddenly it stopped. "Yellow ticket passengers," said the driver, "stay in the bus, please. Red ticket passengers, get out and walk. Green ticket passengers, get out, close the door, and push the bus."


  1. Africa n.非洲

  2. dollar n.美元

  3. cent n.美分

  4. passenge n.乘客

  5. push v.推


  ( ) 1 The village was in America.

  ( ) 2 The driver had three kinds of tickets.

  ( ) 3 The American bought the green ticket because he didn't have enough money.

  ( ) 4 No one bought the yellow tickets.

  ( ) 5 At last the American had to push the bus up the road.


  Passage 1

  1. B玛莉收到她叔叔的一封信,文章第二句话为此题答案。

  2. A当玛莉收到她的礼物,她很高兴。pleased "高兴的,愉快的"。

  3. B玛莉把盒子掉在地上,是因为盒子太重了,从文中第四段可以看出。

  4. D她花费了整整一上午的时间找到了鸡。

  5. D玛莉不知道她叔叔送给她多少只鸡。

  Passage 2

  1. B杰米5岁了。A的答案书写形式不对。

  2. C杰米的爷爷送给他一个鼓,是作为生日礼物送给他的。

  3. C杰米的父亲没有阻止他敲鼓发出噪音,是因为他不介意。白天他去上班,当他晚上回来时,杰米已上床睡觉,他听不见噪音。

  4. D他的一个邻居一点也不喜欢这种噪音。

  5. A杰米的邻居真正的意图是想阻止他发出噪音。短语stop sb(from)doing sth意思是"阻止某人做某事"。

  Passage 3

  1. B固定搭配,one... the other... "一个……另一个……"而且在第二、三段中出现了one...the other。

  2. Acatch a cold患感冒。

  3. C形容词在此充当表语。句意为"如果窗户不打开,我会呼吸困难并可能死掉。"

  4. D列车员不知道该怎么办。what to do在句中作宾语。

  5. A短语all the time "一直"。我一直在听他们吵。

  6. C从句I don't think any of us can help them用的是否定前置,句中any是"任何人"的意思,don't否定的是从句内容。句意为"我认为我们中没有人能阻止他们。"

  7. B最好别管他们。Its better to do sth."最好做某事"。

  8. Bnext to "靠近,旁边","坐在他们旁边的人有了主意。"

  9. A首先的固定搭配是"at first"。

  10. D然后再把它关闭,让另一个人死去。

  Passage 4

  1. F这个村庄在非洲。

  2. T司机有三种票,即:黄票、红票、绿票。

  3. F从文章中不能断定他买绿票是因为钱不够。

  4. F有人买黄票,从文章第二段中可以看出。

  5. T最后美国人只好推车上坡。

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