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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Flashback to a near-disaster

Flashback to a near-disaster
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/09/28 11:25  上海英文星报

  July 1 - The beginning of the annual flood season. At 4:00am, water and shifting sand began to pour into a connecting passageway between the underground metro line tunnels.

  At 9:00am, a six-storey building at 847 Zhongshan Nanlu started to collapse and several neighbouring structures began to tilt markedly. Emergency rescue teams were rushed to the site, which was sealed off by police.

  July 2 - Continuing ground subsidence and a high tide caused part of the floodwall on the Huangpu River to collapse and a 30-metre crack appeared further along the wall.

  More than 400 armed police were dispatched to aid the emergency rescue work. The buildings leaning dangerously were demolished. Public transport authorities re-routed more than 10 bus routes away from the area.

  July 3 - The breach in the flood wall enlarged to 60 metres and the armed police continued to fill the breach with sand bags. The key outer defence - on the eastern side of the damaged flood wall - against Huangpu River flooding was also fortified with sandbags and steel bars.

  July 4 - Wang Guangtao, the Minister of Construction, and engineering experts inspected the site and the rescue work.

  July 5 - Two more buildings - a pumping station and an office block - structurally damaged by ground subsidence were demolished. For safety reasons, the original plan to implode the buildings using explosives was abandoned and wrecking balls and machines were used in the demolition. The ground under another nearby high-rise building - the Linjiang Garden Tower - was found to be threatened by ground subsidence and mud and cement were pumped in to reinforce its foundations.

  July 6 - The damaged sections of the tunnels were sealed off with huge reinforced concrete walls, and the ground subsidence was brought almost under control.

  July 9 - The last leaning building in the area was demolished. The staff of several government departments, located in the Linjiang Garden Tower, returned to work.

  July 15 - Traffic restrictions in the area were lifted, easing congestion that had affected the nearby Bund and elevated highway system. (Star News)

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