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Arafat Names Qurei PM of Palestinian Emergency Cabinet
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/10/09 11:41  人民网

  Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat named Ahmed Qurei as prime minister of an emergency cabinet on Sunday in the aftermath of a massive suicide bombing in northern Israel.

  "President Arafat has signed a de-cree creating an eight-member emer-gency government," Qurei told re-porters. He said the government would "operate for one month" after which it would seek the approval of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC). Arafat also declared a state of emergency in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

  PLC sources said the moves would help the Palestinian leadership to launch a crackdown on militant fac-tions such as Hamas and IslamicJi-had, the movement behind Saturday's attack in Haifa,which left 19 people dead.




  巴立法委员会的消息人士称,这些举措将有助于巴领导层打击诸如哈马斯和伊斯兰圣战组织(杰哈德)这样的武装派别。杰哈德策划了周六发生在以色列海法的(自杀性)袭击事件,共有19人在此事件中丧生。关键词:Islamic Jihad伊斯兰圣战组织(杰哈德)

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