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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 四岁耐力小子徒步两公里只为玩玩具

4-Year Boy Walks Two Miles to Supermarket To Play With Toys
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/10/14 08:46  金羊网-新快报

  A four-year-old Belgian boy sneaked out of the house and walked two miles to his local supermarket because he wanted to play with some toys.

  Vincent Van den Wijngaert ran away in Borgerhout while his father was cooking the evening meal, reports Het Laatste Nieuws. When he realised his son was missing, his father, Eric Van den Wijngaert, searched the house and then called out the police.

  "The police immediately sent out patrol cars and later that evening they found little Vincent in the car park of the supermarket in Borsbeek. "He must have been angry because his mother didn't take him with her while she was doing some shopping. He loves playing with the toys in the supermarket."





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