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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 开口ABC > 与陌生人搭讪(有声)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/10/15 09:53  开口ABC


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  First One: Do you have the time?

  This is a casual and more friendly way of asking for the time. You can also use "What time is it?" , but this is usually used between people who already know each other. If you want to be more formal or polite, just ask "Do you know what time it is?"

  在不太正式的场合下,可以用这句话来询问时间。也可以说成"What time is it?"但是这句话多用于熟识的人之间。如果你想更正式或有礼貌些,就可以说"Do you know what time it is?"

  Second One: My name is ___. What's your name?

  You can shorten the second sentence by replacing it with "What's yours?" In most cases, the other person will voluntarily give his name (it's impolite not to).

  你可以把第二个句子简短地说成"What's yours"。在大多数情况下,对方会主动报出他的名字(如果他有礼貌的话)。

  Third One: Nice to meet you!

  This is used only when you're meeting someone for the first time. If you're meeting with someone that you already know you would say "Nice to see you" or "Nice to see you again."

  "Nice to meet you."(见到你很高兴。)只用在首次见面。如果遇见你已认识的人,就应该说:"Nice to see you."或"Nice to see you again."。

  Fourth One: where are you from?

  Perhaps you've learned that you can also ask "Where do you come from?" But most westerners prefer to say in the way we give you "Where are you from?"

  也许以前学过"Where do you come from?" (你从哪儿来?),但大多数老外经常说的是:"Where are you from?"(你从哪里来?)

  Fifth One: What do you do?

  This is a shorter way of asking "What do you do for a living?" It is understood that this refers to work or career and doesn't mean "What do you do in your spare time?" "What do you do?"(你的工作是什么?)是"What do you do for a living?"的简单说法。问题涉及到你的职业,与"What do you do in your spare time?"(你业余时间做什么?)的意思不一样。

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