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Playboy's Website Wants Women of Wal-Mart to Pose Nude
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/10/20 09:30  金羊网-新快报

  The Playboy website wants female members of Wal-Mart staff to pose nude. The site says it's looking for the sexiest women at the world's biggest retailer.

  While Playboy magazine have run Women of Enron and Women of Starbucks features in the past year, the Wal-Mart theme would be a first for Playboy.com.

  "Wal-Mart employees have a reputation for being cheerful and now Playboy.com is giving them a chance to smile for the camera. Playboy.com wants Wal-Mart's sexiest assets to roll back their clothes and pose nude," said a spokesman.

  However, a spokesman for Wal-Mart, which owns Asda in the UK, said they would rather not be featured. Tom Williams declined to say whether the company would take any action against an employee who decided to take up Playboy's offer.

  Recently Wal-Mart, in an effort to spread its wholesome image as a family store, said it would put covers on a few women's magazines that typically display racy pictures and story titles, says CNN Money. It also banned three men's magazines, including FHM, Maxim, and Stuff, earlier this year because it said it had received complaints from customers about their content.







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