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Bookmakers Drop Odds On Arnie Becoming US President
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/10/30 09:13  金羊网-新快报

  A British punter stands to land a£100,000 pay-out if Arnold Schwarzenegger follows his electoral success in California by making it all the way to the White House.

  Bookmaker William Hill said the 56-year-old Terminator star had been heavily backed to end up in the Oval Office, even though under the current American constitution only those born on US soil can become President.

  Hills, which had made Schwarzenegger 4/9 favourite to become Governor of California, face a total payout of up to half a million pounds if the rules are changed and Schwarzenegger is elected President. A spokesman for the firm confirmed that one client - Robert Coppini from Little Acton, Worcestershire - had already wagered£200 on Arnie for President at odds of 500/1 and now stands to win£100,000.

  Hills have now slashed the odds about President Schwarzenegger to 50/1.





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