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Two lists, few difference
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/10/31 10:55  Shanghai Daily

  Forbes magazine also ranked Internet magnate Ding Lei as the wealthiest businessman on China's mainland for its 2003 China rich list released yesterday.

  Other results appeared to be similar to Rupert Hoogewerf's Chinamoney 100 list, with nine names appearing in the top 10 of the two lists.

  Ding Lei, chairman of Nasdaq-listed NetEase.com Inc, topped the Forbes list with personal assets worth US.076 billion.

  Ding also came atop on the Chinamoney 100 list, which was released by Hoogewerf, former China rich list researcher for Forbes, two weeks ago. But that list valued his assets at US million.

  Hoogewerf was hired by Forbes magazine to create its China rich list in 1999, but saw the breakup in the cooperation early this year, as Forbes said it would use its in-house staff to put the list together from now on.

  The two publications churned out similar stories, featuring the recovery of the technology industry and putting an almost equal number of new faces on each list.

  Hoogewerf enlisted 40 new entrepreneurs while the number for Forbes was 35 this year.

  The thresholds for being eligible for being put on the list was also close with US million for Chinamoney 100 list and US million for Forbes.

  NetEase's Chairman Ding Lei was followed on both of the lists by Rong Zhijian with Citic Pacific Group, Xu Rongmao of property developer Shimaosgroupsand Lu Guangqiu of Wanxiang Group.

  The only difference that occurred in the top 10 place was Sun Guangxin with Guanghui Group, a conglomerate of real estate, building materials and natural gas, and Guo Guangchang with biopharmaceutical firm Fosun High-tech Group.

  Guo was ranked ninth place in the Forbes list with US million. In comparison, he took the 13th place in the Chinamoney 100 list with US million.

  Sun was ranked eighth place in the Chinamoney 100 list with US million, but he dropped to 23rd place on this year's Forbes list with US million.

  "Chinese are embracing new technology very rapidly, and the potential global implications of what is happening in the country are substantial," says Tim Ferguson, editor of Forbes Global.

  Hoogewerf declined to comment on the Forbes rich list."We only care to make efforts to make our own list more reliable,'' said Hoogewerg.

  "It has nothing to do with us as to the fact that someone else is also working on the rich list."

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