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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > DPRK agrees to continue talks

DPRK agrees to continue talks
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/10/31 10:59  Shanghai Daily

  China and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea agreed yesterday in principle to continue six-party talks on the Korean nuclear issue.

  During the talks between Kim Jong Il, general-secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, and China's top legislator, Wu Bangguo, both leaders expressed support for resolving the issue through dialogue.

  China and the DPRK agreed in principle to continue the six-party talks process, a source with China's Foreign Ministry said.

  Wu, chairman of the National People's Congress Standing Committee, is on a three-day "goodwill" visit to the DPRK at a pivotal time when China is trying to make sure the six-nation summit reconvenes.

  "Both sides agreed in principle that the six-way talks should continue," the source said. "China and the DPRK support the idea of a peaceful resolution to the Korean nuclear issue through dialogue."

  The DPRK side stressed that the United States should accept the package deal in synchronization with the DPRK, the source said.The Chinese side emphasized the need to resolve the concerns of the DPRK and the US at the same time, the source said.

  No timeframe was given for future six-nation talks.

  "We want to hold this round of six-party talks as soon as possible," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue said at a regular briefing in Beijing.

  Six-nation talks held in August in Beijing included representatives of North Korea, South Korea, China, Japan, the United States and Russia.

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