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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英国犯人躲在监狱货车底部成功越狱

Inmate Escapes 'Clinging to Bottom of Prison Van'
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/11/03 08:26  金羊网-新快报

  An inmate is on the run after escaping from a jail in South Wales by clinging to the bottom of a prison van.

  Police said burglar Liviu Marin, a 19-year-old Romanian inmate at Parc Prison in Bridgend, managed to dodge CCTV security cameras and prison guards to hide underneath a prison vehicle. It is understood Marin used a piece of clothing to strap himself to the bottom of the chassis on the Securicor van. A police spokesman said: "Marin is believed to have secreted himself under a prison transport vehicle leaving the prison." The van left the prison on a 20 mile trip along the M4 to Swansea prison with Marin clinging on. It is understood Marin then dropped off at a set of traffic lights in Swansea, at about 11.40am on Friday.

  The spokesman said: "He was sighted getting out from underneath the vehicle in Oystermouth Road. I expect he intended to get away when the van stopped and this was his first opportunity after leaving Parc Prison. "We don't know as yet whether the van had already visited Swansea prison, or whether it was on the way there when Marin made his escape."

  Police appealed for anyone who has seen Marin to contact them. He is described as 5ft 6ins tall, with ginger hair, brown eyes and was wearing wearing black trainers, a red tracksuit top and blue jeans. Police said Marin has a limited command of the English language. He has links with the West Midlands area and may have tried to hitch a ride with a motorist heading in that direction.






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