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Astronaut visited Hong Kong
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/11/05 11:17  上海英文星报

  The Delegation of China's First Manned Space Mission, comprising 26 members, including China's first astronaut Yang Liwei, will arrive in Hong Kong on Friday, announced Secretary for Home Affairs Patric Ho on Tuesday.

  Ho said upon the delegation's arrival Friday afternoon, they will go directly to the Government House to be received by Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa and to attend a welcoming dinner there.

  On Saturday morning, the delegation will attend the opening of the Exhibition on China's First Manned Space Mission at the Science Museum.

  Exhibits include the re-entry capsule, the astronaut's space suit and food, and the parachute. Also on display will be a 1:4 model of the carrier rocket and the spaceship.

  The exhibition, which will last four days, is open to the public for free.

  On Saturday afternoon, a big welcoming gathering will be organized by community groups at the Hong Kong Stadium. The event has received support from over 30 organizations.

  On Sunday the delegation will visit some interest spots in Hong Kong.

  Specialists of the delegation, including Yang, will give talks on the development of China's aerospace programme next Monday in the City Hall.

  The delegation will leave Hong Kong for Macao next Wednesday.

  Ho said efforts will be made to provide more opportunities for various sectors in Hong Kong to have direct contact with members of the delegation.

  "We hope that as a result of the visit, the general public, students, youngsters and the science sectors in Hong Kong will have a deeper understanding and better knowledge of the development of the aerospace programme in our country," he said.

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