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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 新式豪华烈性啤酒价格不菲营养颇高

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/11/12 08:21  金羊网-新快报

  A new beer which costs as much as a good bottle of wine is due to go on sale in shops.

  At£6.99 for a half pint, the beer, called Dogfish Head World Wide Stout, is more expensive than the average brew. But Safeway, which is exclusively stocking the brand, claims despite its beer origins, it is best enjoyed at the end of a meal.

  Adding to the difference is the fact that the first batch is designed to stay at its best until 2010 and its alcohol strength is 21%.

  The list of ingredients used to make it include chocolate malt, roasted barley, rolled oats and rice hulls, followed by a seven- month fermentation process.

  The first bottles have begun arriving on the shelves at Safeway and will eventually be sold in 220 stores across the UK.

  Safeway beer expert Glenn Payne said: "This is a beer that demands respect and is quite simply a testament to the brewer's art. It is as far from 'session drinking' as can be imagined."



  这款名为Dogfish Head World Wide Stout的烈性啤酒要比普通啤酒贵许多,但专营该牌子的Safeway公司却认为其物有所值,除了它的来源之外,这款啤酒最适宜在晚餐结束时享用。


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