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Qureia calling for peace talk
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/11/13 11:19  Shanghai Daily

  Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia yesterday called for an immediate and comprehensive cease-fire with Israel and a return to peace talks based on US President George W. Bush's vision for two states.

  "To the Israelis, we want peace and security and independence that will not be realized unless we work together," Qureia said. "Let's help each other stop this cycle of hell."

  Qureia issued the call at a parliamentary session at which he won approval for his new Cabinet, replacing the temporary emergency government he has led since last month.

  Qureia's government passed by a vote of 46 in favor, 13 against and five abstentions.

  The vote ended a two-month Palestinian political stalemate, caused by extended disagreement over control of Palestinian security forces, which has stymied talks on stopping three years of conflict and implementing the US-backed "road map" peace plan.Qureia said he seeks a timetable "to implement mutual obligations of the 'road map' beginning with an agreement for a mutual and comprehensive cease-fire."

  Both sides to date have ignored their key obligations under the "road map" plan, and Qureia repeatedly has said that he won't forcibly dismantle militant groups. But Israeli officials - under pressure to end three years of violence - have indicated some willingness to engage the new Palestinian premier.

  Qureia has said he wants a cease-fire involving Israel and Palestinian militant groups to pave the way for negotiations on implementing the peace plan.

  His speech yesterday included some harsh criticism of Israel's policies. He called on Israel to stop Jewish settlement of the West Bank and Gaza and the construction of a contentious security barrier that dips in areas deepsintosthe West Bank - which he referred to as a "Berlin wall" and an "apartheid wall."Israel says the barrier - which is to stretch along several hundred miles of fences, walls and trenches - is needed to keep suicide bombers away from its cities. The Palestinians say that the planned path of the barrier breaks up their territory, cuts farmers from their fields and amounts to an enormous land grab.

  Still, Qureia also made many gestures toward Israel. He called for Palestinian security forces to be consolidated and urged Palestinian militant groups to end all violence.

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