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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 施瓦辛格参政:州长魔力在哪里?

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/11/14 08:30  北京青年报

  Superman fans will①know the hero spent most of his time disguised as Clark Kent, mild-mannered and hard-working reporter for the DailyGlobe. When called upon to perform a superhuman feat, Kent would ducksintosa phone booth and in a split second whirl out of his suitsintosthe blue body-stocking and red cape that were Superman's uniform. The whirling kept bystanders from witnessing the transformation.

  Cartoonist Tony Auth reverses Superman's routine to make a tongue-in-cheek comment on California's new governor, 56-year-old muscleman Arnold Schwarzenegger. On October 7, Governor Gray Davis was ousted from office; the body building champion, Austrian immigrant and action film star was elected to replace him. In a flash Arnie was transformed from a film superherosintosthe leader of a state bedeviled by complex financial problems, a hemorrhage of jobs and political gridlock in the state legislature.

  Californians elected actor Ronald Reagan to the governorship back in 1966, so what's so strange about choosing Arnold Schwarzenegger? For one thing, Reagan by then had long been more involved in politics than in acting, and thus was much more prepared for the job. Secondly, Reagan was hugely popular with suburban Republican conservatives and business leaders; in other words, he had a solid political base built up over years. Not so in Schwarzenegger's case: he's an example of what is sometimes described as an endangered species, the moderate Republican. Finally, the Californian economy in 1966 was doing fine, and nothing kept the legislature from raising taxes. But in 1978 Californians voted to limit property taxes and require a 65% vote by state legislators to impose any new ones; later they tied lawmakers' hands in new ways. It's a different California in 2003.

  Tony Auth shows Schwarzenegger swooping in as Superman and changingsintosClark Kent. When he realizes that his fantastic strength is now useless, he shouts "Script!" This is what filmmakers do when there's a problem in the plot or dialog that the screenwriters need to fix. But no movie magic will provide Governor Schwarzenegger with the luck and skills needed to confront California's staggering problems.






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