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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英国一电视台让公众投票为王子选妃

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/11/19 10:47  金羊网-新快报

  Television viewers are being given a chance to choose a wife for Prince William in a tongue-in-cheek show.

  Programme bosses are hoping to save the prince the bother of finding a partner by putting it to the public vote.

  Channel 4's digital channel E4 will profile potential candidates from Europe's minor royalty in the six-part series A Wife For William. The station said: "At the end of the series the people's choice will be revealed - a girl who may well end up being our Queen and, fingers crossed, William is watching."

  Royal experts have drawn up a list of 25 potential posh candidates. They include Danish princesses, well-heeled heiresses, hooray Henriettas and well-bred celebrities. Then viewers will have their choice of who they think would be most suitable for the 21-year-old.

  A spokeswoman said: "Given the mess the royals have made in finding their own partners, E4 proposes that the British people choose."





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