英国电视台为王子选妃 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/11/19 10:47 金羊网-新快报 |
Television viewers are being given a chance to choose a wife for Prince William in a tongue-in-cheek show. Programme bosses are hoping to save the prince the bother of finding a partner by putting it to the public vote. Channel 4's digital channel E4 will profile potential candidates from Europe's minor royalty in the six-part series A Wife For William. The station said: "At the end of the series the people's choice will be revealed - a girl who may well end up being our Queen and, fingers crossed, William is watching." Royal experts have drawn up a list of 25 potential posh candidates. They include Danish princesses, well-heeled heiresses, hooray Henriettas and well-bred celebrities. Then viewers will have their choice of who they think would be most suitable for the 21-year-old. A spokeswoman said: "Given the mess the royals have made in finding their own partners, E4 proposes that the British people choose." |
英国一电视台让公众投票为王子选妃 |
电视台“四频道”的数字频道“E4”将在一个闲谈节目中让电视观众们为威廉王子选妃。这个节目的主持人希望通过让公众投票使王子免去找终身伴侣的麻烦。 在六集的系列剧《威廉的妻子》中,该节目将逐一介绍未来王妃的人选。电视台称:“当这6集系列剧播放完毕,大家心里就会有数--哪个女孩将会成为我们的王后。大家划个十字,威廉正看着我们的节目呢。” 王室专家已经列出了25位候选人,她们包括:丹麦公主、富家女和出身良好的名人。观众们可以从中选出王妃的最佳人选。电视台发言人称:“以往王室选妃都弄得一团糟,‘E4’建议这回就让英国人下决定。”(阿曼) |
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