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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《魔法英语》课文译注 > 第八单元自测题

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/11/30 12:50  新浪教育


  1Her uncle looks ___ than before. (fat)

  2The driver must drive very___ . (care)

  3The ___ are no longer young and they know who“Father Christmas”___ is.

  (child) (real)

  4Lucy and Lily come from___ , don't they? (American)

  5She learned Japanese all by___ . (she)


  1Miss Wang isn't here now. How long will she be___ ?

  A. left B. leaving C. away D. leave

  2She ___ to bed ___ her baby fell asleep.

  A. didn't go, until B. didn't go, after

  C. went, until D. not went, after

  3The foreigner is coming tomorrow afternoon. Don't forget___ him at the

  railway station.

  A. to meet B. meeting C. to meeting D. meet

  4All of us enjoy ___ to Mr Smith.

  A. listen B. listens C. listened D. listening

  5There are several kinds of animals___ the farm.

  A. at B. on C. in D. to

  6Thank you very much for ___ the nice shoes for me.

  A. buy B. buying C. giving D. give

  7How time flies! More than a month ___ already!

  A. has passed B. have passed

  C. passed D. pass

  8—___ do you do morning exercises?

  —We do it every day.

  A. How long B. How often

  C. What time D. When

  9The clock can ___ every morning.

  A. wake him up B. woke him up

  C. wake up D. wake up him

  10They ___ wait to open the presents in their stockings.

  A. mustn't B. don't have to

  C. can't D. may not


  A good reader is very much like a driver. He must change his reading

  speed(速度) to fit his purpose(目的) and the material(材料) he is reading,

  just as a driver does to fit the road situation(状况). A good reader may be

  able to read a thousand words per minute(WPM), but he won't use that speed

  for everything he reads. A good reader doing research(研究) reading in the

  library may read at the speed of 1,000 words per minute as he looks for

  materials for a report. But once he finds something that is useful to him,

  he may need to slow down to 100 WPM. A good reader may read newspapers and

  magazines at 600 WPM. But it may take him 150 WPM to read his science or

  maths text. Just as a driver has a wide change of speed, so has a good


  1Good readers are those who can read at 600 WPM.

  2The passage tells us that the speed of reading depends on(取决于) the

  purpose of reading.

  3A good reader may use the highest speed of reading when he is trying to

  find materials for his report.

  4The passage suggests(暗示) that a good driver should be good at changing

  driving speed.

  5The passage is mainly about the relation(关系) between reading and

  driving speed.


  I walked along the seafront(滨海区) for about an hour until I began to feel

  hungry. It was seven. By that time I was not far from a favorite restaurant

  of mine,swheresI often went to eat two or three times a week. I knew the

  owner well.

  I went /into/ the restaurant, which was already crowded, and ordered my meal.

  While I was waiting, I looked 1___ to see if I knew anyone in the restaurant.

  Then I saw a man sitting at a corner table near the door keeping looking in

  my direction, as if he knew me. I certainly didn't know him, for I never

  forgot a 2___. The man had a newspaper 3___ in front of him.But I could see that

  he was keeping an 4___ on me. When the waiter brought my soup, the man was 5___

  puzzled by the familiar way that the waiter and I called each other. He

  became even more puzzled as 6___ went on. He could see that I was well 7___ in the

  restaurant. At last he got up and went /into/ the kitchen. After a few minutes

  he came out again, 8___ for his meal and left.

  When I had finished, I called the owner of the restaurant over and asked him

  9___ the man had wanted. The owner told me he was a detective.“Really?”I

  was 10___.“He was certainly 11___ in me. But why?”I asked.“He followed you

  here because he thought you were a man he was looking 12___,”the owner of the

  restaurant said.“When he came /into/ the kitchen, he showed me a 13___ of the

  wanted man. He certainly looked like you! Of course, since we 14___ you here, I

  told him that he had made a mistake.”It's 15___ I came to a restaurantswheres

  I am known, or I might have been arrested.

  1A forB atC aroundD like

  2A nameB faceC personD friend

  3A openB closedC openedD close

  4A orangeB armC appleD eye

  5A badlyB fastC quicklyD clearly

  6A programB storyC timeD news

  7A takenB madeC knownD brought

  8A paidB payingC spentD cost

  9A thatB whatC whenD which

  10A worriedB surprisedC surprisingD sad

  11A interestedB interestingC woirriedD sure

  12A upB likeC atD for

  13A bookB photoC paperD magazine

  14A knowB seeC hearD look at

  15A badB goodC luckyD best

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