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NAFA unfurls the latest in fur
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/12/05 09:52  上海英文星报

  By Xu Xiaomin

  AMID the early 20th century architectural splendour of a Shanghai mansion, the most recent international Black North American Fur Association launch was held on November 25.

  The launches have literally circled the globe, with NAFA celebrating its newest brand label in the major fashion centres of Milan, Moscow, Hong Kong, Beijing and now Shanghai.

  The launch was held in the garden of a mansion built during the decadent 1920s in Shanghai and the Black NAFA launch was magical.

  Models strutted in Biker-inspired jackets made of supple Black NAFA mink. The collections included refined and elegant NAFA Blue Iris and Sapphire Mink Coats and Jackets incorporating chic details.

  Classic brown mink in NAFA Mahogany and Demi Buff were anything but traditional in their hip wrapped and belted silhouettes.

  Plush sheared Beaver is tailor-made for today's young woman. And Santa Baby made an appearance accompanied by holiday inspired NAFA White Mink and Silver Fox wraps for the perfect touch in evening wear.

  The finale was straight out of Bond, James Bond that is, with slinky models surrounding Mr Bond in a collection of outstanding Black NAFA garments that were a take off of "Goldfinger".

  As North American Fur Association's newest quality label designed specifically for Black Mink produced by Canadian and American fur farmers, Black NAFA has the world's finest pelts in ranch mink.

  The collections showcased the unique suppleness and velvet softness of the fur. Only a very select few, less than 5 per cent of the world's mink designs, have the NAFA label.

  Before the newest label, NAFA had three brands: NAFA Mink, NAFA Fox and NAFA Northern Wild Fur.

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