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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 同性恋婚姻:其他大逆不道管不管?

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/12/08 09:53  北京市场报


  American society is being roiled by the controversy over homosexual marriage. Should US courts follow the Canadian (and Massachusetts) lead and declare marriage between people of the same sex a right? Will there be a constitutional amendment limiting marriage to people of different sexes?

  And does the Republican Party plan to use the issue to get out①the conservative vote in November 2004 -- and to encourage socially conservative working-class Democrats to stay home?

  Well, that goes without saying. GOP strategists knowswheresto turn to get the message out too. Visitors to the US are often puzzled by the profusion of "televangelists", preachers who appear regularly on TV, have large and devoted followings, and generally represent a rather extreme anti-traditional and anti-intellectual form of Protestant Christianity. Their preferred style, both of speaking and dress, is that favored by game show hosts -- no accident, since the televangelized are often ardent fans of daytime TV, with its big-prize game shows, melodramatic talk shows and lurid soap operas. And any self-respecting TV preacher has at his side a chirpy, heavily made-up female with big hair, to echo his sentiments and act as a sort of cheerleader.

  David Horsey presents such a pair in today's cartoon. They are here to argue that the condemnation of homosexuality in the Old Testament legal code should end any moves towards recognizing gay marriage. But if homosexuality is an abomination to be uprooted, what about the many, many other abominations denounced in the Jewish scriptures? The televangelist and his aide cite a few, along with references to Biblical chapter and verse -- a real verbal tic②of these (usually southern) American Protestants.







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