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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 每年的12月13日:瑞典圣露西亚节

Saint Lucia's Day Sweden December 13th
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/12/10 10:43  河南报业网-大河报


  As To Saint Lucia

  Saint Lucia was a saint because of her kindness and her love. She was an Italian Christian who lived in Sicily in the 4th century. Some people believe she once visited Sweden. December 13th is her feast day.


  The way she became a saint was that a man loved her but Lucia didn't like him Lucia's mother asked her to marry the man but she refused so the man said he would burn her. But Lucia prayed to God to have the power to survive the fire. Because of her kindness her wish was granted. The man then got a sword and stuck itsintosLucia's throat.


  There is also another story for her being a saint which goes like this.


  Saint Lucia was a very kind person and a man loved her very much but she didn't like him. The thing the man loved most about Saint Lucia was her eyes. Then she gave him her eyes but a miracle happened she grew back her eyes but this time they were even more beautiful than ever. The man asked for those eyes but she refused so the man killed her with a knifesintosher heart.


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