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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Serial killer gets death penalty

Serial killer gets death penalty
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/12/10 15:34  Shanghai Daily

  A man who dreamed of one day becoming a "professional killer" was sentenced to death in Henan Province yesterday for murdering 17 youths and injuring another.

  The court also deprived Huang Yong, 29, of his political rights for life during yesterday's three-hour trial, which attracted thousands of curious viewers as well as the families of many of his victims.

  Some family members began screaming names and curses at Huang as soon as he was broughtsintosthe courtroom at 8:35 am.

  Loudspeakers were installed outside the courtroom to enable more than 2,000 residents who gathered nearby to follow the trial, which had to be stopped several times to allow many of the victim's parents to calm down.

  Throughout the trial, Huang turned his back on the attendees and answered the judges in a weak voice.

  Some victims' family members attempted to attack Huang when was taken out of the courtroom but were foiled by court bailiffs.Huang began his killing spree in September 2001, luring many of his young victims to his home in Zengzhuang Village from Internet cafes and video arcades.

  He told the young men he could help them find good-paying jobs or fund their schooling, court officials said.

  Huang would sometimes get his victims drunk before tying them to what he called the "intelligent hobbyhorse," a noodle-processing device, in his home.

  He would then strangle them to death with a cloth band and dismember and bury the bodies.

  The victims, all males, ranged in age from 15-21.

  The crime wasn't discovered until November 11 when the 18th victim, a schoolboy, escaped from Huang's home by promising to take care of the killer in his old age if released.

  At first, police didn't believe the boy when he told them his story, but a trip to Huang's home the next day uncovered human remains and led to the man's arrest.

  After his crime was exposed, five local officials were removed from their posts for dereliction of duties, including the chief of the county's public security bureau, head of the county's education and sports bureau, cultural bureau director, and two high-school principals.

  Affected by films and TV dramas featuring violence, Huang told officers he had dreamed of becoming a "professional killer" since childhood. His family was away from home raising pigs during the period Huang committed the crimes.

  Huang and his lawyers haven't said if they will appeal the verdict.

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