月中玉兔之死 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/12/10 22:43 新浪教育 |
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1.背口诀记单词 有一个hare(野兔)* 非常的rare(稀少) 小脑袋bare(秃的)* 大眼睛glare(瞪眼) 被猎手scare(害怕)* 跑到了square(广场) 被杀了share(分享) 没有人care(在意) 2.识音标,记单词 hare n.野兔,怪人,傻瓜; vi快跑,飞跑; [习语] (as) fast as a hare(快得象野兔一样), (as) timid as a hare(胆小如鼠)。 rare adj.稀罕的rare metals(稀有金属),杰出的,珍贵的a rare bird(珍禽), (肉类)半熟的a rare steak.(鲜嫩的牛排);adv.很,非常a rare fine view(极好的风景);[习语]a rare event(罕见的事件),rare air.(稀薄的空气)。 bare adj.赤裸的a bare arm.(赤着胳膊),无遮蔽的bare walls(.没有装饰的墙),空的a bare room(空房间);vt.使赤裸,露出;[习语]a bare hill(秃山) bare one's heart(讲心里话),as bare as the palm of one's hand(一无所有)。 glare n.眩目的光,显眼,怒目而视, (冰等的表面)光滑的表面;v.闪耀; [习语]in the full glare of publicity(在众目睽睽下),look at sb. with an angry glare(对某人怒目而视)。 scare v.惊吓,受惊get a scare(吓一跳),威吓;n.惊恐,恐慌,恐惧; adj.恐怖的scare stories(恐怖故事);[习语]be scared to death(吓得要死),strike sb. with scare(使某人感到惊惶)。 square n.正方形,广场,平方,直角尺;adj.正方形的,四方的,直角的,正直的,公平的,平方的;adv.成直角地,公平地,坚定地;v.使成方形,弄平,与...一致,符合,结算;[习语]square with(使与...相符),be (all) square(两清,彼此不欠)。 share n.共享,参与,一份,部分,参股; vt.分享,共有,分配;vi.分享; [习语]share a room with sb.(与某人同居一室),go shares with (平分,分享)。 care n.注意,照料,烦恼,忧虑,由...转交;vi.关心,顾虑,照顾,喜爱;vt.在意; [习语]Handle with care! (小心轻放!)care for(喜欢,照顾)。 3.邻里邻外 hare---把hare里的h换为w变为:ware n器皿,物品 rare---把rare里的r换为t变为:rate n.比率,速度 bare---在bare后加foot变为:barefoot adj.赤脚的 share---把share里的r换为k变为:shake vt.摇动,摇撼 care---在care后加ful变为:careful adj.小心的,仔细的 4.佳句背诵 He that will have a hare to breakfast must hunt overnight. 早餐想吃野兔肉,头晚就须去捕捉。 If you run after two hares, you will catch neither. 同时追两兔,一只也难捕。 One should not run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. 不应两面讨好。 However rare true love may be, it is less so than true friendship. 真爱诚可贵,友情更难寻。 It's a rare person who wants to hear what he doesn't want to hear. 想听自己不喜欢听的事物的人是罕见的。 A friend is as a rare book, of but only one copy is available. 好朋友就像本珍贵的书,绝对没有副本。 Bird never make nest in bare tree. 鸟儿从不在光秃秃的树上搭窝。 Don't think there are no golden apples just because the tree looks bare. 秃树不一定不藏金果。 There is no dust, the sun does not glare. 凡有阳光的地方都有灰尘。 A good scare is worth more than good advice. 一次有益的惊吓胜过良言相劝。 You can never scare a dog away from a greasy hide. 身后藏奶酪,甭想赶跑狗。 Killing the chicken to scare the monkeys. 杀鸡给猴看。 A lion is in the open square! 大人物总在公共场合露面。 Square peg in a round hole. 不称职的人。 To dance is to share,to share is to teach. 跳舞既是分享,分享既是传授。 Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves. 小钱省一省,大钱自会来。 We do not care of what we have, but we cry when it is lost. 有时不珍惜,失去悔太晚。 Nobody cares how much you know unless they know how much you care. 没有人在意你知道多少,除非他们知道你想多少。 |
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