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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 迪斯尼音乐厅:台下喘气台上能听

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/12/11 10:56  北京青年报

  有人认为,在耗资2.74亿美元的洛杉矶迪斯尼音乐厅里,一根针掉到地上都能听见,但这也就有了问题:在音响效果几乎是完美的音乐厅里,听众可以听清每一个音符,而音乐家可以听到每个听众的咳嗽声、喷嚏声、喘息声。迪斯尼大厅这个由建筑师弗朗克·盖里设计的迷人而有动感的不锈钢巨人,位于洛杉矶市中心,不仅以其建筑吸引了全世界的注意,也因其高超的音响效果而为世界瞩目,音响设计师是日本的Yasuhisa Toyota先生。图为洛杉矶交响乐团在大厅揭幕那天(10月23日)的演出。

  Some people think you can hear a pin drop in LA's new million Walt Disney Concert Hall and therein lies the problem. In a concert hall of near-perfect acoustics, the audience can hear every note and the musicians can hear every audience cough, sneeze and wheeze. Disney Hall, architect Frank Gehry's stunning, swirling mass of stainless steel in downtown Los Angeles, has not only been attracting worldwide attention for its architecture but for its superb acoustics, designed by Yasuhisa Toyota. Here the Los Angeles Philharmonic performs during the Hall's opening night October 23.(Robert Galbraith/Reuters)

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