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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Non-stop Airlines to Melbourne

on-stop Airlines to Melbourne
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/12/17 17:31  上海英文星报

  By Chen Qide

  CHINA Eastern Airlines will begin twice-weekly non-stop flights from Shanghai to Melbourne from December 15.

  China Eastern has signed a tourism co-operation agreement with the State Government of Victoria in Australia. Melbourne is the capital city of Victoria.

  "Under the agreement which is valid for two years, both sides will co-develop their tourism resources to help the airline increase the number of flights as soon as possible," said John Brumby, Victoria's Minister for State and Regional Development.

  Brumby said the number of Chinese tourists visiting Victoria was increasing by 24 per cent annually.

  China Eastern is China's third airline with flights into Melbourne after Air China and China Southern Airlines.

  The new Melbourne flights will take off from Pudong International Airport on Monday and Thursday. They will land at Melbourne's Tullamarine Airport for an hour, then fly on to Sydney and back to Shanghai.

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