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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 希拉里·罗德汉·克林顿在耶鲁大学

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/12/19 17:20  空中美语



  Hillary Rodham Clinton has always exceeded the expectations of those around her. Despite growing up in an age when women were pushed to pursue domestic lives, Hillary was always encouraged by her close-knit family to follow her dreams. An active achiever in sports and school, she attended Yale Law School, \where\ she was one of only 27 women in a class of 235.

  While at Yale, Hillary met her future husband, Bill Clinton. The two exchanged glances for weeks, though it was Hillary who "made the first move." Seeing Bill in the library, she walked up to him and reportedly said, "If you're going to keep staring at me, I might as well introduce myself."

  Believing she had found her soul mate, Hillary married Bill Clinton and moved to his home state of Arkansas. Adjusting to conservative southern attitudes was difficult for Hillary at first. But she learned to fit in, and was able to manage both motherhood and her law career, all the while continuing to work on her political causes.





英语学习论坛】【评论】【 】【打印】【关闭

1. exceed


2. domestic

adj. 家务的

3. glance

n. 一瞥

4. adjust

v. 使适应

5. conservative

adj. 保守的;守旧的

6. all the while

adv. phr. 一直;始终


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