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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 开口ABC > 《Beauty and the beast》

《Beauty and the beast》
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/12/23 11:45  开口ABC


  Celine Dion

  Tale as old as time

  True as it can be

  Barely even friends

  Than somebody bends


  Just a little change

  Small, to say the least

  Both a little scared

  Neither one prepared

  Beauty and the Beast

  Ever just the same

  Ever a surprise

  Ever as before

  Ever just as sure

  As the sun will arise

  Tale as old as time

  Tune as old as song

  Bittersweet and strange

  Finding you can change

  Learning you were wrong

  Certain as the sun

  Rising in the east

  Tale as old as time

  Song as old as rhyme

  Beauty and the beast.

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