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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 真人秀节目:迎合窥视者的电视节目

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/12/24 16:24  国际先驱导报

  Reality television shows, particularly shows that focus on the personal lives of ordinary people.


  In days of yore, or at least in days of lore, beautiful young things who wanted a break in show business might be asked to gratify the libidinal fancies of a director or casting agent. The couch was a detour on the way to more savory things, the rung below the bottom rung on the ladder.

  The latest wave of peeping-Tom television, from “Joe Millionaire” to “Are You Hot?” reworks the old arrangement. Now the hopefuls have to tickle the libidos of the viewing masses.

  ——“Glued to Public Seduction TV,”

  The New York Times





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