我的雅思(IELTS)考试口语备战攻略 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/01/05 09:36 无忧雅思网 |
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现在我给大家说说雅思口语考试的情况,具体细节我想我不用多说了吧,大家都知道,其中最让大家担心的就是part2&3部分,其实准备这项并不难,下面我就介绍一下准备口语这部分的方法(个人经验): 1.大家一定要清楚的了解每个卡片的内容,包括卡片上让你将要描述的3-4个问题,大家必须在part2部分中描述出来,还有就是描述时运用的时态一定搞清楚(老外最讨厌时态运用混乱了),否则肯定影响你的分数. 2.每天抽出一定的时间练习,没有条件互相练习的考生可以用录音机把自己说的录下来,然后自己给自己找错误,纠正.就这样反复练习.尽力使自己减少出错.eg:语法错误,he /she运用不当等等. 3.千万不要去背,因为这样即使你说的再好也是4-5分,因为老外可以看出来你准备了.我建议大家最好连写都不写,最多在每个卡片上写点关键的词,根据词每天自己锻炼去说.多准备点有创意和自己的topic内容,越与众不同越好(不要跑题)! 还有一些细节方面的事情,我也要向大家说说,就是大家在考试的时候如果停顿或思考时千万不要在说话中间加上"嗯" "啊" "那个(内个)"这些中国语气助词.应该用"well""all right"等等英文语气词.在和老外对话的时候还要记住: 1.眼睛不要乱看,要看着考官的眼睛,也就是eye-coutact!. 2.表情不要死板,在对话中要根据自己说的情况和气氛用你的"脸"表现出来"喜怒哀乐". 3.就是适当的用一些body-lanuage,但是不要过多(考官会心忙的.). 还有一些琐碎的事情,不得不提一提:考口语前大家最好洗个澡,刷刷牙(尤其是男生,老外最讨厌身上有异味的人了,包括口臭.),可以的话喷一点香水(老外最喜欢了,呵呵.).女生最好化化妆,但注意是"轻妆",千万别浓妆艳丽地去考场吓唬考官(这不是选美).去考场的时候带点水,在下推荐康师傅纯洁水或绿茶(因为在下天津人嘛,哈哈...),因为你肯定最早要提前1小时左右到考场,如果你等待考试期间渴了的话,找水可不水那么容易的啊.也可以带1个口香糖(吃完别乱拽啊,大家要注意环保). 以上就是在下对口语的一点拙见,仅供大家参考,如果有什么好的建议可以在这和大家交流,在下也可以请教一下.好了回到正题吧,下面我给大家介绍ielts的topic(原来有16,现在有点变动,但不大.): by the way,这帖子为本人原著,请大家不要转载.谢谢合作. 1/describe your best friend. how you knew each other how you became friends how you spend time together explain why he/she is your best friend 2/describe the trip you took some time ago. when you took it how you got there what you saw there explain why you liked it. 3/describe the worst weather in your life what it was when it happened how you felt explain your experience in details. 4/describe your favorite book or a story you read . what the book is called what it talks about what you learn from it explain why this book is your favorite. 5/describe the recent success of china. what it was what it was about how important it was 6/describe your favorite sports star. who this person is what sports does this person play why you like this person 7/describe a child you are familiar with. his or her name how old he/she is what his/her hobby is 8/ describe the four seasons in china. how many seasons there are what features there are what people do in the four seasons 9/describe the most unforgettable success in your life. what it is how you made it why it is important 10/describe a period of time, when you think was interesting or exciting. when it was what did you do during that period why it was special 11/describe a perfect house or flat where it is what it looks like what the inside is like why it is ideal for you 12/describe your favorite song/music. what song it is what it is abou twhy you like it 13/describe a piece of equipment what it is how it is used advantages and disadvantages 14/describe your favorite park in china. where it is what you see what you do in the park 15/ describe your favorite tv program what it is about what type it is why you like it 16/describe a toy(有考生告诉我这个卡片考官说作废了,我不太清楚) who gave it to you why you liked it how you played it 还有几个不常见的,但有的地方出现过: #1social welfare(社会福利) ---我感觉不会考a类考生这个问题的. talk abouth the social welfare you know, such like the senior citizen pensions, the disable people funds,etc. #2 describe a type of holiday---老卡片.和前面的trip相似. you should say: 1 what it is 2 where you go 3 what you do and explain why you like this type of holiday |
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