美国国家公园应该保持原样吗(漫画) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/01/07 11:08 北京青年报 |
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![]() 杰克·欧曼的这幅漫画反映了一个旷日持久的争论———美国幅员辽阔的国家公园应该在多大程度上保持原样,也就是说,在多大程度上让它们还像欧洲移民到达北美之前时的样子?这些公园还要允许游客们进入,但是多大的范围,多少人以及通过什么方式进入都是争议很大的问题。 在漫画的左栏中,我们看见两个人正行走于黄石公园的雪地之中,该公园众多间歇式喷泉中最著名的就是“老忠实”了,两位远足者认为该喷泉就位于山坡那边,因为一缕雾汽正从那边升起。四周寂静无声,除了这两个步行者留下的足迹之外,雪地完整无损。步行代表了一种非常友善的与大自然接触的方式:公园几乎不需要做任何的准备,环境也几乎不会受到干扰。 突然(在漫画的右栏),飞驰过山坡的雪橇的轰鸣打破了寂静。那是一辆摩托雪橇,一种能飞速驶过冰雪地带但又吵人又造成污染的交通工具。当然,今天的摩托雪橇已不像以往那样吵,那样污染环境了,但是对于寻找人与自然交融的人们来说,这些雪橇还是很招人烦。不管怎么着,反正许多驾摩托雪橇的人都喜欢这种噪音,就像那些开摩托艇和极速汽车的人一样。摩托雪橇的驾驶者们认为国家公园就是公共娱乐场,而没有噪音还能是娱乐场吗? 在克林顿执政时期,政府开始实行一项计划,以减少人类行为对于国家公园———尤其是对怀俄明州的黄石公园以及加利福尼亚州的尤塞米特公园等游人众多的国家公园———的影响。禁用娱乐性摩托雪橇的禁令也在逐步实施,直到布什政府将其取消为止。而爱好自然的人们则将政府告上了法庭,他们坚持认为该禁令是保护国家公园内自然环境的基本举措,实施这一保护是联邦法律所授权的。2003年12月法院支持了原告的起诉,恢复在国家公园内禁用娱乐性摩托雪橇的计划。布什政府准备就此提起上诉。 Jack Ohman's cartoon reflects the perennial battle over how 'pristine' America's great national parks should be, i.e. how like they were before the European settlement of North America. There has to be some access for visitors, but how much and for how many people and by what means remain controversial issues. In the left frame of the cartoon, we see two people hiking through the snows of Yellowstone National Park, in which the most famous of the many geysers is 'Old Faithful'. The hikers think it lies just over the hill, where the column of vapor is rising. The scene is silent, the snow undisturbed except for the tracks left by the hikers. Hiking represents a very benign sort of access to nature: little preparation of the park is required; little in the environment is disturbed. Suddenly (in the right frame) the silence is broken by the roar of a vehicle speeding over the hill. It's a snowmobile, a loud, polluting conveyance that zips quickly over snow and ice. True, today's snowmobiles aren't so loud or polluting as they used to be, but they're still pretty upsetting to anyone looking for communion with nature. In any case, many snowmobilers like the noise, just as many people who drive motorboats or fast cars do. Snowmobilers think of national parks as public playgrounds, and what's a playground without noise? During the Clinton years, the government inaugurated a plan to reduce the human impact on the parks, especially the much-visited ones like Yellowstone in Wyoming and Yosemite in California. A ban on the recreational use of snowmobiles was being phased in until the Bush administration canceled it. Nature lovers took the government to court, insisting that the ban was essential in order to protect the environment inside the parks, as mandated by federal law. In December the courts sided with the plaintiffs, reinstituting the plan for a park without recreational snowmobiles. The Bush administration plans an appeal. |
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