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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 剑桥考试在中国 > 剑桥大学英语入门考试(KET)简介

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/01/07 17:48  剑桥大学考试委员会




  What is KET?

  The Cambridge Key English Test (KET) is the first level of Cambridge exams in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). It is an elementary level exam, set at Level A2 of the Council of Europe's Common European Framework for modern languages. KET recognises the ability to cope with everyday written and spoken communications at a basic level.


  英语入门考试(KET)是为具备初级水平的英语学习者设计的考试。达到KET水平的学生应具备在英语国家进行交往或工作的基本语言技能, 如提供和理解个人信息、问路等。KET每年世界有来自60多个国家的40,000多人次参加该考试。该考试考核基础语言能力水平, 这些技能对于实际的工作和社交活动很有价值。

  Who is KET for?

  KET is designed for learners who have basic English skills, of the kind needed when travelling in a foreign country. Candidates should be able to understand the main points of simple texts, to communicate in the most familiar situations, and to understand short, standard notices and simple spoken directions.

  KET is taken by more than 40,000 people each year, in more than 60 countries.







  Why choose KET?

  KET is based on language used in real life situations and covers the four language skills - reading, writing, listening and speaking. It provides an assessment of practical skills, and encourages the development of abilities which can be used while traveling, as well as in study and working situations.

  Although the KET examinations are at a relatively basic level, they provide a detailed assessment of the candidate's strengths and weaknesses. This allows further study to be planned, and provides a valuable introduction to language examinations.

  KET is an ideal first step for those wishing to progress towards the Preliminary English Test and the other Cambridge ESOL exams.


  KET包括阅读与写作、听力、口语三部分内容,其中阅读与写作部分占总分的50%, 听力、口试各占25%。

  阅读与写作(试卷1)时间: 1小时10分钟

  阅读 - 考生要在阅读短篇文章(其中包括通知)、大众文章的基础上理解文章大意并能提取细节信息。

  写作 - 考生需完成三项任务: 文章填空, 完成表格, 写一个便条。

  听力(试卷2)时间: 约25分钟


  口试(试卷3)时间: 8-10分钟


  What does the exam involve?

  KET has three papers :Reading and Writing, Listening, Speaking

  Each paper is returned to Cambridge for marking and assessment, except the Speaking Test, which is conducted by two locally based examiners who examine candidates face to face. All examiners are accredited by Cambridge ESOL.

  Reading and Writing (Paper 1) 1 hour 10 minutes

  The Reading and Writing paper assesses the ability to read and understand factual texts taken from signs, brochures, newspapers and magazines. Candidates need to be able to understand the main messages, and have strategies for dealing with unfamiliar words and structures.

  Candidates are assessed on their ability to complete gaps in simple texts, transfer information to forms, and complete an everyday writing task, such as writing a short note or message of around 20-25 words, to demonstrate control of structure, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation.

  Listening (Paper 2) 25 minutes

  The Listening paper assesses the ability to understand recorded material such as announcements and monologues, delivered at a moderate pace, and to understand factual information in the recordings.

  Speaking (Paper 3) 8-10 minutes

  The Speaking Test assesses the ability to interact in conversational English with an examiner and with another candidate. Candidates need to be able to answer and ask questions about themselves and to talk freely about their likes and dislikes.

  Candidates normally take the Speaking Test in pairs.


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